Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ok fine, Kansas isn't THAT bad.

So I am back in New York City and couldn't be happier about it. I returned and my roommates and I all missed each other so my chill night in turned into checking out this new party and meeting another friend out who had a table at this really cute club. So on the plane ride I got to thinking about why I like Kansas. I always do this on plane rides, get reflective. I thought about how when asked I will ALWAYS say where I am from. I am proud of my background. My childhood was amazing, filled with playing in clubhouses we built in trees, running around the plains that are Kansas. I never noticed it until my good friend Nick in college said (referring to Kansas) there's so much sky here. We do, indeed, have a lot of sky. Here's an example from my fathers house:

isn't it great? We also have an adorable dog with a wrap around porch:!

this is in comparison to my current view out my window:

Look 2 TREES! Anyway the moral is that although I might bitch about there being nothing to do(which there isn't, but its good to slow down sometimes) I get to visit with family and visit some friends, which last I checked was a good thing. Off to the huslte and bussle that is this madning city! xoxo

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Holidays (filled with Pirates)

I'm sitting here confused as hell with the third Pirates movie. It's too complicated filled with way too many story lines and betrayals. I'm over it, so I decided to blog instead. I've decided to write about the insanity that has been the last few days. I told someone how many family members I have and they didn't believe me. I responded in the text with "I'm from the midwest and was raised Catholic" They said "ah, gotcha-sorry." I know. There are loads of us running around which is funny because I'm still 1. Everyone else multiplied. Couples were there, great grandchildren were there, etc. It's been nuts. I was rather hesistant to come home. Whenever I come home I'm forced to make plans with EVERYONE i've met in the last 23 years of my life. When you're only home for 5 days its really rough (I know I'm complaining about having so many friends and family, I realize-moving on). Well let me describe my Xmas eve. I gather at one of our uncle's house where all the Conleys meet. There's about 60 of us now. Now imagine that my cousins (all around in their early 20s or perhaps even 19 or so) with their children and spouses. Now wait it gets better. We play games! We have the gift exchange where I'm sure most of you are aware of, put all the gifts in a circle and its a cat and mouse game to open up a new package or steal someone else's gift! I always prefer to steal, its a safer bet, and more fun. God only knows I dont want to get stuck with the tools or the lotion set, always be thankful for gift cards! This year however so many of my cousins are getting older so we've upgraded to the adult exchange. Now this is where we all loook like we're alcoholics. Instead of the numerous flashlight sets, towel sets, and lotion products, that we normally have every year, this year was the year of the booze. I actually contributed and brought a bottle of Absolut (brand loyalty) and ended up with a bottle of Crown Royal (Which I guess is really nice and high class, but I'm not a fan.) Then we head home drink some more then head to bed 'cause santa has to come' (yes my parents still utter these words to us) We say just put out the gifts in the morning. haha. Upon awaking on this White Christmas Morning we all gather at the top of the stairs then head down (as kids we use to run, but now we're more upset at the fact that we're up so early, and look half asleep still) where our father is with the video camera. We go into the office where the tree is and see what Santa has brought us in the night. This year was great. We usually get good practical gifts (good, but boooooring) but we got nerf guns instead! They were great, started shooting one another and our childhood tendencies came right back. The rest of the morning is filled with us playing a game we got our watching a movie. This year was 'planet earth' series. Totally sweet. Then Becky's (my step mom) family comes over and we feast and open more gifts. All the siblings watched a movie then I went over to my other grandparents' house for more gifts from my mom (who is on a cruise) and more food. I must say I eat a lot when I come home. This is because everyone still thinks I'm too skinny and dont have any meat on my bones (which is true, but I'm going to pay to pick up heavy things? I dont think so, but I will go for a good 4 mile run-part as to why I'm so skinny.) Wait, hold on, I'm intrigued there's an octopus fighting on the movie.......ok he's referring to things I have no clue about, moving on. So anywho it was a fun day filled with constant movement and loads of family. I have another Christmas party today with even more family. I grew up with totally different sides of families. One (the Conley's) are very vocal, a little crude, boisterous, drinkers, and sexually active and vocal about it. The other (The Rogenmosers) are more queit, non-drinkers, dont talk about certain 'issues' that might make someone uncomfortable, academic focused, functionally disfunctional, Brady Bunch vs Roseann Bar type of family, perhaps a little repressed, intellectuals who dont discuss anything worth mentioning, and on an overall avoidance of debateable issues. I love that I'm adaptable and can roll with either side. I'm the mutual gang affiliate (bloods vs. crypts) who is allowed to merge onto either territory. I realize that most dont enjoy reading about other peoples families (a type of family photo slideshow situation) so I will wrap this up. However seeing everyone has been enjoyable yet exhausting. I also love how big our house is, I can spread out so much here, not to mention outside my windows aren't more buildings, actual wildlife walks by in our land! I'm so country to city people but to Kansans know, it's not THAT country at my house. Well there's lots to do mentally and physically to prepare for todays 52 questions about my life plus there's loads of explosions on the movie now so I shall catch yah later. xoxo

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Stupid Utah

So today I am working on Sundance stuff in Utah. We are 'going green' next year with Absolut and are using Sundance as a platform to launch our Green Movement. (If you tell anyone, I'll be forced to....kill you) So anywho, we're making the Lounge as Green as possible from the LED lighting to the eco friendly paint and donating the furniture to Habitat, etc. Soooo it's totally up my ally making sure everything is either recycled or eco-friendly. So I'm really enjoying the assignment. So I was on this conference call and I kept forgetting we are dealing with Utah. First of all due to Utah law unless its a restricted private party you can't give away free drinks, and the most you can 'sell for a buck' is 3- So I will never be living in Utah (only 3 drinks?) But they said they dont have a recycling center in Park City. I interjected and said 'actually you have a recycling center 1.3 miles from the Lounge. I felt cool, I was on top of it, knew my shit. Then the guy from Utah burst my bubble. They dont actually recycle those materials. It goes into the land fill, Utah doesn't have a recycling power plant, they collect the materials for statistical purposes, in order to see if they need one/how big of one! What? You're saying you dont recycle your recycled goods? Pissed consumer (enjoy the pun). Soo, these are two reasons why I dont like Utah.

On another note I bought some zicam (which i totally recommend cause it kicked my cold, so in order to celebrate the day of- I went out for a 'few drinks', which if you know me you understand what that translates into.....several drinks.) and it tells me I can drink anything for 15 minutes after I take the pill. Fine, but I dont like restrictions. Not saying I drink allllll the time, but I do enjoy to hydrate at my desk. But just the fact that I have to watch the clock before I can have my next drink annoys me. I dont like restrictions.....or authority(but thats another post in itself). So zicam works you just have to follow the rules. Ok back to work. love you long time.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I finally did it...

I know the title is so nerve racking. Did Matthew finally go mad? No, he went to starbucks and for the first time ever gave them $3.10 of his own money. (Ok I'm done with 3rd person.) I went to school in Lawrence. The land of great, amazing, LOCAL coffee shops. I never went into starbucks or Borders. I had no reason to, my local coffee shop had a much more interesting surrounding plus better music-not to mention cheaper. So I was brainwashed almost to never go to a chain. Lawrence is great for that, you can totally get by all 5 years without going into a chain. Now, it's holiday season and I've got a busy schedule starting in a few days and I can feel a semi-cold coming on. I refuse to be sick for xmas so I went to Duane Reade to get some zicam and some soup. Now, I've tried to find a local coffee shop but that is impossible in midtown nyc. I needed a large white tea and I didn't want to walk forever to get it. So, I sucked it up-entered into this clean environment with certain sections of the room playing into my ethos and saying indirectly 'we're not that bad, look at this little boy in some village, we're 'helping' him'- which commercializes it-yet brings awareness so Im constantly stuck in this catch 22 about all this-but thats another issue for another day. So all in all it wasn't that bad. I didn't get stoned for going and I can feel the white tea attacking my immune system! Even if I did do something bad for the environment/world today (which I'm sure I can think of many more that are more negative worldwide then getting a tea at starbucks) Last night I carried by trash bag full of recycleable materials all the way to my home instead of throwing it away (like i wanted to several times because it was frigid out). I dont need a metal, I just would like to address that recycling should be convenient, but if it's not that's no excuse!

Also I decided to be a nice person on the elevator ride back up to my office and hold the door for this guy. What was my reward? The elevator decided to eat me-literally. It grew fangs and got a good chunk out of me. It was apparently done waiting for this guy to unload his 6 boxes of light fixtures and decided to close and it wasn't stopping by me merely standing in front of it, I literally had to push it back! Ok off to fight the good fight. To infinity and beyond....

Monday, December 17, 2007

I liked it so much, I'm publishing it twice!

So I was a guest speaker on Erin's Blog and I liked the content so much I decided to be lazy and just post it on mine as well (new readers from Erin's blog: welcome- all 1 of you.) It went something like this:

Hello all! This is Matt Conley, also known as playdoh boy. I'm taking a moment out of my 'busy' schedule to contribute to this blog. First of all I'm also confused and put a lot of thought into what it was I was going to contribute on this blog. Should I be witty and pointless (very similar to erin's posts?) or should I dig into the depth of my soul and bring out my true identity and address existential questions? I chose to go with the first one. If I've ever left a message on your voice mail you completely understand that I can ramble like no one's business. I particularly do it to Erin because she expressed her distaste for it. So I'm going to attempt to have some sort of structure here.

I woke up early this morning and got into the office to help my boss with something, come to find out he called in sick. Which made me happy. Not only did I wake up early (NOT a morning person) but I fought the bitter bitter winter that is New York right now. I had quite the weekend (it was my roommates Bday) and I decided for all the brain cells that I killed this weekend, I need to rejuvenate. So, I brought my book instead of my ipod for the trip on the subway to work. However I got outside and was immediately reminded as to why I HATE WINTER! I walked so fast and by the time I got to the subway when I was suppose to start reading my book, I couldn't I was too cold to move. Instead I had to get annoyed with all the 72nd stop people being too rich and too annoyed to have to ride the subway thus making everyone around them miserable. So to them I say: Yes, you have more money than me, you can live on the upper west side, but you're taking the subway just as I am-Do not roll your eyes at me because the subway is packed. If you're that annoyed get a driving service. Ok I dont want to spend all my time talking about people you dont know. So I shall get my point (yes erin, I have one) I was thinking, it would be a lot easier in life if I just knew when I was going to die. I mean I could plan accordingly. Like a budget, you have X amount of dollars (or days in this case) and Y is what you plan to purchase (or experiences you want to be involved in) and thus you get a formula. So if I were to die next year, I'd obviously be sailing around the world, sky diving, getting almost killed by a bus driving in Nepal, etc. But I'm not, because the whole saying of 'live each day as your last' is really quite impractical. I can't make such harsh decisions everyday. I mean my screen name (ever since I was 15) has been Live4now, but that's when I was young and stupid and was in love with the dead poets society. (O Captain my Captain!). I have several things on my 'list of things I want to do before I die'. I plan to accomplish them all, but again, would like to know my time line. I honestly wouldn't mind all that much if they said a year or 2 (I dont want to live to be old, I want to go out with a bang somewhere around 50ish?) But I've gotten together a few photos of things I'd like to see before I die:

I know what you're thinking (wow this guy is really cool. I can assure you: I'm not, but just in case-cue self promotion-you can get more of me at:

So instead of seeking these places out before I die, I get ready, face the bitterness of winter, have a lunch, work a little, then see where the evening takes me. I mean everyday I enjoy, I dont have a meeting at the end of the day and measure my levels of happines vs. annoyances of the day and put it in an excel sheet and analyze month-month (hm.. that sounds excessive but practical, I'll look into it) But instead my daily sights are like this:

I can't decide whose my favorite expression is. I really like the guy on the far right, but I can feel the 3rd woman from the left's pain (ps. I googled imaged this photo by searching: new yorker annoyed subway)

So all in all I find joy in my day to day life, but wouldn't say I live it to the fullest, because how practical is that really? Exactly. On another note I was going to use the 'guest blog' experience to talk about how much I love Erin and respect her, because my usual vocab to her is 'you smell, you're not a lesbian, or ugh I hate you.' But I do love her and she's stuck by me for many a good days and many bad. (Even when she was the first one I told I was gay, then didn't talk to her for about a year she still wants to hang out with me. I know sucka!) But I love her. She's even good in bed. (I know what you're thinking, wait-I thought he was, and Erin likes to sleep naked.) Exactly! I will sleep with her only if she's fully clothed, and I get to drool on her sheets. But I dont snore and she enjoys that. I shall end with the great words of Cher from Clueless 'I'm outtie' (I mean I'm gay I'll get my card taken away if I dont say something over-the-top gay)

Love you Erin and you better come back (with my camera)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Why I love dogs

Ever since I moved out when I was 18 I've had a lack of dogs in my life. I've wanted one for years, but never know where I'm going to be next year, let alone next week so I figured it wasn't right for me to force a dog to do it with me. So this is my ode to dogs. They're amazing, always wagging their tail when they see you. A good cuddler, and they just seem to know when you're having a rough day. So recently dogs have re-entered my life (Molly dont get jealous, you're my favorite dog, but you're in kansas-so it's an issue)! So I got a job and it turned out that my boss has 2 dogs that are french bull dogs. They look like this:

Aren't they adorable? There are two of them running around and love attention. They hop up on my leg when they are feeling lonely. The second one is my roommate's James' pug. She looks like this:
Again, adorable. She's currently lying on my arm, so this blog will be short. She's unfortunately blind, she lost her sight about 2 years ago, but she's a trooper. It's quite funny actually, she's constantly bumping into walls, furniture, etc. But she's an amazing snuggler, well when the other two roommates are gone, I'm her 3 favorite roommate to snuggle with. She told me. So I get my dog fix, but the best thing of all you ask? I dont have ANY of the responsibility of actually owning a dog! Another reason why I'm going to be an amazing uncle. I shall end with a saying my dad always says to me:
If you can't roll with the big dogs, keep your ass on the porch. (on an other note, I miss my porch).

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Numbers in Matthew's Life (sadly the name change from Matt to Matthew has failed even to my prevail)

3 The number of times I pump the towel dispenser
5 The number of times I apply deodorant on each side
19 The number of countries I've been to
257 The number of friends I have on facebook
3 The number I actually talk to
218 The number of text messages in my inbox (thank god I have unlimited)
92 The number of family members I'll see over xmas break
92 The number of drinks I plan to have to survive it all
9 The number of times I've moved in 2007
16 The number of pairs of shoes I have in my closet
4 The number of times I've entered into a dance contest
2 The number of times I've won 1st place.
20 The number of countries I have on my 'list of places I want to see before I die'
17 The number of dollars in my wallet right now
13 The number of jobs I've had since I was 16
5 The number of vodka tonics it takes for me to make out with anyone in the bathroom
1 The number of friends I plan to replace after I asked her to help
96.6 The number of days of my life I've been 'waiting'
2 The number of copies of 'Oh The Places You'll Go' that I own
28 The number of Absolut vodka bottles on my desk right now (I work for them mind you)
1 The number of times I've been in love
5,895 The number of meters I climbed to get to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro
4 The number of times I thought I was going to die rafting the Nile
45 The number of times I've had to tell people Africa isn't a country
25 The number of postcards I've sent my mom from around the world.
1 The number of friends of mine who have been in a real movie (Congrats Barret)
525,600 The number of minutes in a year
4 The number of times I've seen Rent live.
47 The number of towels I used when I stayed with Erin for a month
1 The number of blind dogs I've lived with in my life
5 The number of years it took for me to finish my B.A.
8 The number of times I've made myself laugh this morning.
21 The number of minutes used for this blog

Why I hate Christmas Songs!

This will be a short post, but I just want to express my frustration about something. Every time around this year everyone in the entire U.S. seems to feel the need to force cheerful emotion onto everyone. When I am shopping or having a bite to eat, the last thing I want is for the speakers to blare Christmas songs. YOU, BE CHEERY! I feel this is their actual motive, and perhaps I'm just cheery but dont feel the need to be overt about it. I enjoy Christmas, I really do. I enjoy the food, and the family (the occasional present is nice) but I dont need an entire 25 days leading up to the damn day blared with the same 15 songs. Sure if you were to check my iTunes and see the recently played there is probably only 15 songs that I've played in the last week over and over again, but these were to motivate me for work and to motivate me to work out. Christmas songs do neither, in fact they remind me that I have to spend money. Not that I dont like spending money on people (I know its hard to believe, but I can be selfless) but I like to get gifts for people when I see something perfect for them. Not something that will be in a garage sale by summer. That's wastefull and stupid. So Christmas forces me to think really hard really quickly (because I'm a procrastinator) on great gifts to buy for people. This year unfortunately I live in NYC and it's expensive so they will also be within my budget. haha. But overall Christmas songs stick to your Xmas Radio station and stay out of my stores/restaurants/elevator/cabs/and normal radio stations. If I wanted to know all Mariah Carey wanted for Xmas I shall tune to that station. Thank you and goodnight.

Ps I am having a good day just fyi I feel like this:

Monday, December 10, 2007

The day Al Gore scared the shit out of me.

So I was researching organizations at work, trying desperately to find an organization where you can 'adopt an iceberg' (I know its a bit rediculous, but its a marketing ploy). Thanks to google I got onto links about Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'. Now, I've seen this movie back in Kansas. I distinctly remember it, because I couldn't get anyone to go with me-so I went alone (I also remember it being 2 for tuesdays, we're its 2 for 1. Now going alone I walked in-behind all the couples- and said 1 please- and the women goes you dont have anyone else? I said NO! just me!- this is not an angry way, but can't a person enjoy the movies by themselves? Why must you go to a movie with someone? Especially when all your friends are losers and decide to do something a lot more lame then going to see a movie with your amazing friend matt!). I enjoyed the film, had a few criticisms but overall thought it was important and needs that need to be addressed. However I was just lolly gagging online and decided to watch the trailer again. Now think of a movie that basically tells you the WORLD IS ENDING, cause there's too god damn many of you people on this planet- summorized in about 2min. Needless to say I got scared about the world ending. Not today, but in a few generations and well if I were to have offspring, well adopt offspring, I dont want them to be royally fucked. So....I did a few things. I have a second dumpster under my desk now that has all recyclable materials in it. However my building doesn't recycle and I'm not too sure what the hell I'm going to do with it because it's full now and looks like one day I'm going to just have to look like homeless man who carries all his belongings in a trash bag and take it to my building which does recycle. Also I took a pretty basic carbon footprint test online. It told me "You create, on average, 7.8 tons of carbon pollution a year. You could release about the same amount of carbon pollution by cutting and burning all the trees in a section of the Amazon rainforest the size of 0.936 football fields." This frustrates me, because even though I dont have a car, I still omit all this damn carbon by my flights. So I'm reverting back to the Oregon Trail. Seriously. I've got a small gathering (me) and they're really excited about it. Well actually I've decided that since I do love New York I'm just never going to leave and never fly again. Well except when I go to Sundance in January, Orlando in July, Kansas this december AND next year I'm sure. Damn, ok so that plan wont work-I'll get back to you on what I plan on doing. There are 'offsets' you can do, but I've been informed by Eric that some are sketchy and dont use your money effeciently, so back to the drawing board.

A few more ramblings. I like sushi, in fact I love sushi. It's seriously like the perfect meal for me. Edamame and 2 Alaskan rolls and call it a night. It's amazing. I never have that sick full feeling, or have the urge to run after (like when I eat a cheeseburger, I immediately think: ok I need to work out sometime in the near future now) I am so satsified and its quite healthy. However the evil powers that are known as Erin Mindell inform me that not only will sushi kill me if I eat it everyday, it's also bad for the env. Now my response is pretty much this: I dont want to live forever, certainly not until I'm old and can't do anything on my own anymore. I want to go at a good age, say 60? But I also want it to be cool-Like he died bunge jumping off a cliff South Africa? Something cool. Also about the env: well damn, I dont really have a defense because over fishing is a bad thing-but like I say I'm from kansas eating meat is inevitable. I'm getting the signs that I need to reduce my meat intake, but it'll be a hard process I love me some cow:
My weekend was rather enjoyable, and when I usually say enjoyable it means I danced a lot. Friday I went to this Manican Showroom where we plan to have our holiday party to see the space. Had a glass of champage and schmoozed with the designer of the gowns on the Manicans and the owner of the Showroom. I felt a little rediculous, all I needed was a little dog and a big Hermes Bag and I would of been 'THAT guy.' But I dont want a little dog nor can afford a Hermes keychain let alone bag. Anywho I got an invite there to this rooftop party where there were going to be mermen! I was stoked, mermen with body paint on a rooftop with an open bar? Count me in! However I got there alone-After my two friends had ditched me (but wasn't going to stop me from having a good night)- and the line was long and the party was at max, so it was 1 in 1 out. Ugh I didn't have the connections to skip the line so I left. Plus it had begun to drizzle. So I met up with my coworker George at Star Bar and we danced the night away. Although perhaps I'm too old already but I was NOT a fan of the strobe light, it made me dizzy and all strung out. I did not take ecstasy (nor do I ever) so I feel I can not enjoy this strobe light in its full capacity please turn it off! Sat. was suppose to be a night of learning about Channukah (something I had to force Erin to inform me about what exactly Hannukah is-and the great thing about this is I can spell it so many different ways but I still feel like I still misspell it) with friends, food, and a dradle (which Erin forgot). It was a blast because I got to eat food and be around good people. Not to mention I learned that Mara and Chris got engaged! I love them individually and together and I'm happy about it. Plus Chris knows how to sucker me in, he makes sure he always has Doritos when I come over. Those out there wondering, the way to my heart: food. I'll love you forever, that and if you buy me a drink at the bar. Well Eddie was there and he told me I had no choice but to go out with him (He threatened me, seriously I have witnesses) So a early night in quickly turned to a long night out. We had bottle service galore some really fun people I met- one with gold shoes!- however the DJ was a bit A.D.D. with his ipod, but it didn't stop me from dancing. A friend of ours got really sick and she didn't have her coat or purse so I ran back into the club to get it what I thought was her jacket but to no avail could I find the purse. In the morning I find out that she lost her purse and the jacket wasn't hers, but the funny thing is: it was a better jacket an overall better trade. I told her "Always upgrading ;)" Well I shall end it there with my rambles. Hope you are all well.

Friday, December 7, 2007

For your enjoyment

I figured the previous post lacked good visuals (cause i'm a visual guy) So I shall give you a funny picture now:

Crazy People

I wanted to write this whole blog (which I still plan on doing, but waiting for more pictures to make it extra special) about how dogs have entered my life and how I love it. However, I will push this off until a later date and talk to you about my morning commute. I woke up before my alarm (which has happened twice this week randomly) and quickly remembered my dream (which I will share with you now-feel free to scroll down, but its mainly for me to have written down)

I was watching a movie with some friends, no-none of you were there, but apparently I was really close to them. I walked outside and there were tons of lines of luggage everywhere in a parking lot. Several cops were there and asked me to 'find mine'. I was looking and getting nervous and thinking to myself A) I dont remember packing but more importantly B) Was there anything illegal or dirty in there? I told the man "Honestly, I can't find it." He said "ok, come with me" I started getting nervous, but he was cute so I wasn't too worried. He took me upstairs through all these hallways and such and finally openend up this door and inside.......Were all these people from my past. Again, none of you. But I think it was some place I use to work and they were all old employees. The man all dressed up who I quickly assumed was the owner of the fierce house was something like the custodian or something from my past job. I was happy to see him, and knew I had been nice to him-but still confused. He sat us all down and told us that he had too much money and wanted to give some to people who had been nice to him in his past before the money. He quickly ran arond the room to several hiding spots and found tons of cash (this is why I'm not a rich person, because I still assume you hide money throughout your room), well they were in euros. So he gave me like 2,000 euros and I immediately thought about paying off debt. I figure this proves that A) I'm international since my currency in my dream was European (or perhaps I read the Economist lately and the dollar is not so good and euros are more, thus more money!) and B)That I'm responsible with my money since I immediately thought about paying off debt (but my real concern was paying it all off so I could go shopping for myself-selfish) So in summary I am International (greedy) and Responsible (selfish)!

However, then all 3 of my roommates were in and out of the shower. We agreed, thank god we're all ok with being in front of each in our towels. I was getting ready for work as I do every morning, "Jill I like the other pants better, "Which shoes?", "Do you want a banana for the walk?" etc. Then Jill and I get the 3 train! Which means we get to sit! Well all was fine until this guy who was on the platform was screaming out words randomly. Jill and I responded "Crazy man walking" Well once we left 96th st. and headed towardsd 72nd we realized the crazy got on our train. Well it went something like this "" Jill assumed he's just singing a song but doesn't know all the words. I was convinced he's just crazy. Then the man got in between the cars and was still screaming/singing. We got to 42nd st. and Jill got off (and missed the events unfold) but MTA officials came looking for the man. Now I can only tell you that it looked a lot like dennis the menace running around in a tree and the adults being unable to get ahold of him. I was a bit distracted with my Rihanna on my ipod (yes I was breakin' dishes at 10am). However, I jumped on the local and got to work just in time, but I thought how many people really are crazy in this city? But then I realized, once no one was around on my floor after I got off the elevator I was dancing and singing outloud. Perhaps, I'm crazy but am in the closet about it. Maybe this guy was in his own world enjoying the music and we (society) said NO you're not allowed to enjoy yourself this much this early in the morning surrounded by so many people. Who says you're not allowed to get so involved in your music that you have to get kicked off the subway? Well I do. Because he almost ruined the fact that I left early to ideally get to work early, but instead just made me on time. If he would of made me late, well I wouldn't of done anything and I'm not intimidating so.....I just would of had a different tone to this blog. (I know what you're thinking, you got to work early for what, cause you're blogging now, and my response to you is: SHUT UP-not only am I intimidating but also very good at come backs.)

Until next time.

Monday, December 3, 2007

My tattoo


This is no attempt to make you horny or disgust you (whatever your reaction to mens' backs have on you-I'm not one to judge). However, I got a weird comment last night from a man in the locker room. He asked me what many do 'what does your tattoo mean?' Then told me to not ever go to Israel. After consulting with a friend, we both shrugged our shoulders and moved on to another topic. This is a question that annoys me however. Not really because I got the damn tattoo to spark this question, but to strangers who wouldn't really get it-annoying. So instead of giving you a detailed description of it via text, I shall do it through pictures (also note to yourself-best time to reveal a tattoo to family? NOT at a family reunion, whoops, forgot there'd be a pool) But here are a few images to let you understand a bit as to why I got something that sparks thought, emotions, etc. on my back:

But I can understand because sometimes it gets mistaken for:
Anywho, that's to hopefully give you some idea of why it is I got that fist tatoo'd on my back.
On other subjects: Today I walked to work and the man in front of me picked up $50 dollars on the sidewalk. If I hadn't gone back to my apt. for a damn apple, that 50 would be mine! I'm very upset about it. However, once I got to work I found out that they're wanting me to go to Sundance with them this year. Schmoozing with celebrities, watching indie films, staying for free and being flown for free-so I'll let the karma of the $50 pass.
Also I shall blog many times about this: I hate winter. I have already started planning with Erin about our retreat to the west coast. We are not winter people, I get all miserable and become bear like. I enjoy the sun, the tan, and the shorts with sandals. Bring on the West! (but not for a few more years, I mean I did just buy a mattress). I also need to invest in a super warm jacket to help me through this NY winter. I can't wait, I'm thinking one of those jackets that basically looks like someone took their goose down comforter and made it into a blanket, those look warm. Until next time...

Hm, wondering if this works. I didn't major in blog.

So I'm sitting here on my living room floor drinking anti-oxidant non-caffenated (not to self, learn how to spell caffenated) green tea deciding to myself that I would like to start a blog. Mainly because it will give me something to do at work, and the 3 people who will probably read this will also appreciate another distraction at work. Speaking of distractions, I officially turned the TV off. After living without a TV for 3 years its rather easy to get sucked into the world of crap, also known as 'reality' tv. Last time I checked reality wasn't this over the top, but who am I to judge. (oh wait that's right I do it all the time- but secretly and behind your back.). Like this- feel free to judge or giggle:

(yay this is fun)
I'm still working out the kinks, but I figure this is more productive than staring out my window at the school next door getting remodeled, or wandering anywhere outside (since its freezing) and that makes me angry:

So here I sit to post. Mainly to get my thoughts out onto paper, but to once and for all realize that I'm the only person that really thinks I'm funny. But let me tell you about the time when I was an evil winch for no reason. After this story you'll realize why this whole week I have to go out of my way to be nice to humanity. I was in the grocery store, getting things for the house-our usuals (hummus, tortilla chips with a hint of lime, corona, and wheat thins) I start to grab for my bags that I brought to carry my grocieries home in(mother earth 1, destroying the world 0) and this woman in front of me began to create a racous (or rukus) about Lays chips. This woman was rather large, balding, greasy hair, and smelled. She was starting this uproar because her Lays chips rang up 1.99 vs. 99cents. She refused to pay the dollar. She wasn't satisfied until the OWNER of the store came over and gave her the dollar off (mind you 10 minutes has passed at this point). Before that happened I decided to interject (after she heard me sigh under my breath and say 'you've got to be kidding me ) I said 'It's a fucking dollar, I'll pay the damn dollar if it'll hurry this up." I know with these dimples who knew I had it in me? I was taken aback when I left and realized how harsh this was. I wasn't even in a bad mood, but just didn't have the time to deal with that apparently. Perhaps New York is making me a bit bitchy, or perhaps I'm more frivolous with my money and have no one to spend my money on other than myself and she's saving for a reason. Anywho, this is why I'm trying to be overly nice this week to make up for it. Perhaps I'll follow this example:

Which I've tried to get my good friend Erin to do with me, but we're too busy doing this:

I think I shall end it there for the evening, I need to make a 'to do list' for the morning.