Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The ants go marching 1 by 1

So today I ventured to do what all humans must do-the DMV. Yes, it's true. As all 2 of you remember from a previous blog of me basically losing my identity (physically, metaphorically, spiritually, etc.) I had to attempt to get a New York license today-since it expires on my bday tomorrow. Plus I can think of 1 billion other places I'd rather be on my bday than the DMV. Sooo, I did it today. 2 trips and 6 points of id: my birth certificate, ks license (had to register for a replacement), ssn, pay stub, w2 form, AND my debit card with photo on it FINALLY got me my New York License! This is very exciting to me. I had plans to travel the world for awhile and ended up staying in New York. I realized this summer it was the first time in a really long time that I had stopped day dreaming. In Kansas I had yerned for somewhere else, a life away (Kansas readers I will never deny my roots-they made me and I'm soo thankful for that) a land far off. So I've done that, and the moment I'd get back I wanted to do another trip. Then I came to New York and had plans to move soon again. But then I moved to Fire Island and my life changed. I found a community, a group, a network. I have always wanted this and I have had it in various forms-but I finally feel comfortable in a city where you can easily be sucked up and spit out. I even bought furniture to plant myself here for awhile. I'm really happy with that decision. I love New York and I can think of nowhere else I'd rather be for my early to mid 20s (24 is considered mid 20s? oh shit I'm getting older). I have great roommates, a family away from family, and amazing/cool/interesting friends. I mean I'd love for you all to move into my building-cause then I'd loooooove my life but for now I'll settle for a few less 'o's.

My next point-To give you another example of how I'm so impressionable, I was walking to the DMV earlier and these 2 construction workers were in front of me. I was busy thinking about tomorrow, what I'll do after work, what song is this on my ipod, cause it rocks. Then these two men take a right before the street. Now most would of put two and two together and realized they were entering into the building that was under construction and not follow. I on the other hand simply follow them like an ant does to the one in front of them-quickly to realize the terrain had changed and I had not worn the proper shoe attire for such an adventure-haha. So I got myself out of there and back to the sidewalk, but I couldn't stop laughing and thinking in my hed 'damn I AM impressionable'

This is usually when I would end my blog, and say something like 'have a good night' but I apparently do what everyone else does so what do YOU think I should end my blog with?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who knew Fungus could grow on plants.

Yeah that's right. It apparently can. We have a rosemary plant in the office.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant evergreen needle-like leaves. It is native to the Mediterranean region. It is a member of the mint family Lamiaceae, which also includes many other herbs.

So this is the plant in front of me that I stare at in the office all day. It's not in a pot, because it wasn't getting any air or something so my boss put it in a trash can. So this thing has gone from a pot dying with no water, to a trash can now with fungus. Although I hate staring at this plant, every time I go to battle it with my hands I get a wiff of my hand and it smells so damn good so I retreat back to my desk to continue my work.

I enjoy plants. In fact I need some in my room. My boss told me I need 3, its no good to get plants in even numbers. So since I'm easily influenced, I am now in the market for 3 plants. I want to put them on my window seal, but I haven't decided which plants are cool/easily independent ie. get off the window seal and help themselves to the water in my sink.

I've also noticed that I always buy plants in the winter. That's because I correlate green with summer which also sparks happy thoughts. Thus my room is green. It's a peaceful color, and it makes me happy. Then when I have plants in my room I stare at them when I wake up, sitting in bed, staring aimlessly (which almost never happens) and it helps my seasonal 'rut'. So if you have any suggestions please feel free. I've already vetoed those plants you'll get in those stores with loads of crap-the bamboo'y' ones. Also although orchids are beautiful-they tend to hate me and die in protests of my lameness, so I'm at a loss. Perhaps a botanical lover out there who randomly reads my blog (why the hell are you reading my blog!) but please suggest a plant. Plant you and good night

Monday, February 25, 2008

As promised: (note the happiness)

7 minutes of HELL!

Well I've spruced up my blog, as you can tell. Then I go to type in my new title for today's blog and this one popped up and I decided that it was funny so I went for it. I actually dont have 7 minutes of HELL to talk about, hm wonder what this could be in reference to.....Perhaps it was the American Pie song. I mean thats a great song, but its really long.

Anyway on to the blog (I know you are excited)....

(Sidenote- I just realized I do THIS a lot, -or this- or .......this.....a lot....and sometimes even!THIS!)

This weekend was great. I got out of my funk. OH! I remember what my blog title WAS going to be 'Dance Dance......Revolution?' I went dancing sat. night and I loved it. So this is the blog about dancing. I love dancing, have I said that before? I do have to pride myself a little bit in that I dont dance like this:
and I dont care what Bacardi says there is bad dancing. I'm no professional dancer, but I know how to 'boogie' if you will. I build up stress all week long and dancing lets me get that out. The blur of the lights, trance that I get in is something I'm addicted to. Now, I'm not addicted to drugs or anything of the sorts but when I'm out dancing-had a few cocktails and hear a great song, I get such a high on that feeling. I'll even prove it with photos of me on the dance floor when I get home tonight. But my point if you've missed it thus far is that I love dancing. So be merry.