Friday, February 22, 2008

Ramblings from Matthew

So I was told to blog, even though I don't have anything to blog about, but that didn't seem to mind the person who requested me to blog. Thus I'm going to keep this up today while I'm working and add in things that pop in my head 'blog worthy'

Well its snowing out, like Sweden snowing out-but I'm glad to know global warming hasn't completely killed the world.

Sometimes my job bores me, they underutilize me. But then I realize I get paid by the hour so I stop complaining.

I can't lick envelopes, it grosses me out. So if you ever get a letter from me, it'll have tape on the back.

At any other job a coworker saying they had a 'dirty' dream about you last night would be means for sexual harrasement. At my work, it just boosted my ego for the day.

I like it when grown people use the word 'silly' and 'giggle'

I love that I can practically get anything delivered in New York.

I'm happy that my 'turning the light off in the bathroom' movement has caught on, yay conserving energy.

I miss the stars. Kansas has so much sky and nothing compares to a clear night in summer in Kansas.

If I ever own a house, it needs to have a porch.

Man I'm bored

Why the hell did I come into work today?

I wonder what people think about me. I hardly show who I truly am to many.

I'm really impressionable, this guy just randomly came into our office with menus for sushi and now I want sushi for lunch. Bah you marketers! Wait....I am one.

Why can't grown up throw tantrums (sp?) anymore?

I could use some extra money for my furniture. Spending money on it is annoying.

I could go for a fireplace and a movie right about now.

I need a subway sandwich and I need it now.

I'm really excited for this weekend. Margaritas at my house with Erin tonight then crazy amount of hip hop in Brooklyn Saturday night. Hm, I wonder what I'll do Sunday?

Ok I'm bored of this....and I bet you are too.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lets let photos say it all:


My official Funk

So its happened. It happens every year. I'm not a winter guy. I'm probably the happiest when I'm on the beach, tan, with friends, and have a cocktail in my hand, listening to hmmm Lauryn Hill. Every year I get seasonal depression. I hold strong for so long, October comes and goes-fine same for Novemeber and Decemeber. Then the 23rd of Decemeber is a great day for me! (I know what you're thinking, this nit wit xmas eve isn't until 1 day later) No, this is the shortest day of the year. That means that the days begin to get longer! So this holds me off until most of January cause I can see the days getting longer. Then Feb. hits. Now (hint) I know what you're thinking, your bday is in Feb. (28th). Well you're right, you'd think that would get me through most of Feb. But it doesn't. I always get in a funk. Not really depression just annoyed. I'm over winter. I've lasted long enough and damnit I want spring! You have NO idea what a blooming flower does to me in spring. It sounds cheesy/gay/hippie like but its true. That means that MY seasons (spring and summer) are HERE! But see, its so close that I think it should be here by now-but its not. In fact its still freezing. I've dealt for so long with my face being frozen, uncomfortable freezing winds, over sized annoying coats. I want to show my skin, soak up the sun, and stop in a cafe for dinner (hello outside dining!)

So then the weather does this thing. Perhaps you've noticed it. I sure have! It will tease you. You'll think its here, time to put away the sweaters. then BOOM! Winter comes and smacks you in the face like a prostitute who you just told you can't pay. (Not that I know what that feels like.....what I was in Amsterdam?....God I hope you can read my sarcasm via text). Then I get in this funk. It's not really depression, its just I'm over it. I'm not in the mood to do several things. My normal routine changes, I become a slug. I'm not really in the mood to go out, socialize, dine, etc. These are things I LOVE! So last weekend I hardly got out of bed, this is also because I got my mattress pad which is amazing (thanks katie). But this week seems to be coming the same type of week. Sluggish. Minus the fact that I am running a lot. Ran 5 miles last night and runnign 5.5 today. I'm 'training' for the marathon so decresing my speed and trying to increase my endurance.

Anyway I just wanted to say that Jill got her taxes back and bought a blender for the apt. which made me happy! I worked at a smoothie shop for a year and I know how to make a good smoothie ;) So these are small things I'm trying to distract myself with from the realization that winter isn't over. Cause smoothies make me think of spring and so do MARGARITAS! (hello this weekend!).