While I was walking around looking something like this:
Which gives me another point, I made casserole! Kansas readers: did you know people on the East coast dont know what a casserole is, (said in heavy Kansas accent) they didn't have to scrap like we did in a hard time. Anywho the party was a 'success' and my eyes got open to a lot of things I never thought I'd ever see/were possible/would cringe about/dropped my jaw so many times/etc. Not my scene, but still very entertaining.
I had the dinner party at my place this Sunday. So I put this off, put this off longer, put this off even looooonger. To the point where I bought all the food and put it on my dishes and totally convinced them all that I made it! They had no idea I was napping 1 hour before they showed up. Thank god you can get anything delivered asap in New York. Four people canceled and I was all bothered, but I proceeded to vomit right after (didn't eat any of the food, so it wasn't me getting everyone sick) so I didn't mind that the night was short and quick. This night of vomit brings me to my next bullet:
Day time TV sucks. I watched the View, Desperate Housewives, Movies, etc. and realized I wasted my day away (with the exception of Ellen). However there was this episode of Desperate Housewives that reminded me of my Aunt Karen. This is the only woman (TV woman, not aunt) I like on the show, she's very chill, laid back, totally gets life, thus reminded me of my Aunt. I called her because there was this episode where she went out on the town with her 21 year old niece and it reminded her of me too! We have this connection and I know you're jealous ;)
My final update: Inner tube water polo. Jill and I joined the league. I'll just let these photos tell the story:
We looked like this getting into the water:
While the other team looked like this:
I kid you not, they were a real water polo league. We got dominated, but I was the MVP, for I scored the only 2 goals we got the whole game (the other team scored 12, wah wah waaaaah)
hahahahahaaha - that is perhaps the most appropriate way to describe our water polo game.
"Not my scene, but still very entertaining"
That was kind of how I felt at my first Black party (also this year). A boy can only take so much NY decadence in one place, after all. It was awesome to finally see what the fuss was all about, though, and I drank Bulldog gin and tonics with a dude who had been at the FIRST Black Party until around 3am.
Nice looking casserole. Is it pasta? I stumbled in here after mis-typing "Mexican" like your title and I discover that you and I were born in the same month of the same year. And your name by the looks of it is Matthew Aaron; my best friend in high school was Aaron Matthew.
...twilight zone music...
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