Monday, October 6, 2008

Wow, really?

So perhaps some of you got my email about this volunteer opportunity in Brooklyn. I had signed up for this organization to help plants trees. I traveled a lot in August and wanted to 'offset' my carbon footprint a little bit. This organization wants $100 for a damn TWIG, so I decided to donate my time instead. Well this day I was suppose to be out in Brooklyn at 9:30am. For those of you who don't know how far away Brooklyn is from my place, well, trust me - it's far. Anywho, I had plans to take it easy Friday night and stay in so I could wake up early. Well, wrong. I got a text from a friend about Boy's night at Fuerza Bruta. This is a picture from the show:Now, I know what you're thinking: 'What the hell?' Well, that's exactly what you think the entire show, but you bask in it's amazement at the same time. This is the type of show that you can't be 100% sober for. So we had dinner and Benton's bright idea was to do sake bombs at dinner, and you know I can't say no to sake bombs. I was successfully tipsy by the time we arrived for the show. I allotted myself to go out after for 1 drink and 1 drink only. Cause in the morning I had to:I even set 4 alarms to wake me up early enough to get there on time! I woke up at 11:45 looking like this:

Ok, not AS bad as this, but I did sleep through my alarm which was annoying since I clearly made an effort to volunteer. Don't worry, I'm checking myself into:

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