Thursday, May 8, 2008


So, I went out last night. My mom is in town and through work we got free tickets to Xanadu (please google it if you haven't already) but we sponsored a show after and I got to give my mom some insight into the world that is Matt. Open Bar. Well, needless to say, I kept drinking, and drinking, and drinking. Then 1am rolls around and mom, alex, and I hop into a cab and call it a night. Well I popped out of bed and got ready for my day. I forgot my ipod and ended up in a train with loads of children, TWICE. I transfered to the local and I got another train car with kids! WTF? Anyway, I was rough around the edges. So what did I do? Something I hadn't done since the day after Halloween: I got dunkin Donuts. Now, I judge. You know this. The people who eat at Dunkin daily I can't understand. Seriously? Donuts everyday? Second, they're commercials are ridiculous. They bank off of ignorance. If people can't pronounce a cappuccino 1) Dont order it and 2) Dont be all annoying that others like their coffee a little different. But I got 3 donuts and it worked like a charm-hang over say goodbyeeeeeeee.