Monday, August 23, 2010

Just need to write

Then possibly an idea will come. So I've thought quite a bit of a project that I could do and I can't quite put my finger on it. I've thought about having people donate to keep me going, but for what? Why would anyone want to continue funding me to continue to travel? I thought today about perhaps I set up a 1800flower type website. Where people could write in and have me write messages in the sand for them and send them along to loved ones. They could find out where I was and send me a)the message and b)their email address. Then I could charge them $10 or so for the photo and that could keep me going for quite some time.

Then I thought of perhaps traveling with an object and taking photos of it and hopefully getting a sponsor along the way - but what object? A coca cola bottle? a geico gecko? I need to think of something universal and something with a happy warm feeling. :)

Then there's the idea of people's smiles - perhaps I get crest to sponsor a worldwide 'brush your teeth' campaign?

There's the 5-4-3-2-1 idea - 1 year, 2 ....I get stuck. 2 million dollars? Pennies? Donation - but to what? Development! But how?

I feel like they're all half ideas - I can't seem to pinpoint a solid idea. Blerg.

Dancing - that's already been done. Hugs? That's been done? I can't do music - that's out.

I need to take a weekend and plant myself in the barnes and noble travel section and make a list of everything that's been written. A year in Bali, traveling the world on $10 a day, yada yada yada. I keep thinking it's all been done but it's surprising how many people will buy a book about people doing these things instead of actually stepping out their front door and doing them. I totally get it - I've bought furniture. I've planted myself in NYC for quite some time. I need some sort of thing that people want but can't afford to get. Nothing luxurious but perhaps a picture, but a picture of what? a video of what? It needs to be viral.


Back to the drawing board. maybe I write Ellen....but what do I say? Give me money, please?