Friday, October 3, 2008

Naps with Erin

Hello All-

Now Erin sleeps over sometime. In case some of you don't know who she is, well, it's not that important. Anywho 'this girl' sleeps over at my place sometimes. I like it. She's enjoyable, and I like the company in bed. Now, I know what you're thinking: wasn't he.......

....well yes I am. This is why this presents a problem. Well I let her sleep over under one condition. I get to build a barrier. It's actually more than a barrier, it looks something like this:

Because I know what she secretly wants which is this:

Monday, September 29, 2008

Erin and I were bored at work, and you benefited....

My dearest Erin-

I have drafted this note to you in order to tell you that I'm quitting my life and moving to Hogwarts. I'm tired of my boring life that involves me moving papers around, shipping things to people, socializing with people I dont really care for, and drinking. Well, let's hope Hogwarts has some great booze, otherwise I'm not going.

Now, I know what you're thinking! This is why I decided to email you and inform you of this decision. Yes! A million times YES! You are MORE than welcome to join me on this adventure. In fact I hope you do, for that train ride looks scary and I don't want to do it alone. Think of it you + me + magic!

Now, comes the part where we have to decide which type of wizards' we want to be. I am shedding this life and with it, my personality (why are you applauding?). So I'm up for suggestions on what type of person to be in the future. All I know is that I don't want to be the red headed one. For I do not like red heads. Except the one from Will and Grace, she's pretty. Enough! That was our old life, no more referencing reality tv shows, the friends we associated with, and a benefit to the both us: our past sexual escapades!

Dear Play Doh Boy,

I recognize your desire to get away from it all (especially the redheads of the world), but really, do you think this is the bests olution? Hogwarts is a boarding school, so I'm sure there's more cocaine than alcohol, and I know you don't like to be away from absolut for too long.

Besides, I've seen the movies, and there only seems to be one or two minorities (although the way Hermione's hair is, she's definitely gotsome coffee in her milk), and now that you live in Harlem, me thinksyou'll miss the colorful palette of humans and Nikes alike.

Alas, if you're set on going to Hogwarts, I'll of course go with you. We'll join the Slytherins, and I shall shed my sunshiny demeanor and torture people by feeding on their insecurities and making them cry themselves to sleep at night. It'll be just like high school all over again. I shall call you Mr. Biggems and you shall wear an eye patch.

Of course, there is still time to reconsider. Maybe instead, we should move to Chicago and be on Dance TV with Sarah Jessica Parker....



As I do in life quite often I have changed my mind. Instead I think you and I shall become reality tv stars. This way you get to be what you've always wanted to be: famous for no reason and I will get laaaaaid.

This way I can have cocaine AND alcohol for starters. You know I can't live without my vices. Also, you're right, a uniform everyday? I'd go mad (Slytherin mad). I definitely need a place where I can express my freedom and individuality with mass produced Nike's!

Now as far as our shedding the old identities and obtaining new ones this is perfect for reality tv. Not only will the edit dept. decide what kind of people we should be I've put some thought into it also. You can be the 'black woman who is bitter at the world for opressing her on so many different levels' and I'll be the 'Naive gay boy who doesn't understand why race is such a big deal, yet constantly mad at the world for thinking he is the typical gay (said with a lisp)' However we find common ground in Dance Dance Revolution. End scene.


The only problem is, I'm Blackish, not Black. They'll want that"attitude" thing that Robert Townsend describes so well in his masterpiece "Hollywood Shuffle," and we all know that deep down, I'm white, sadly. But that's what comes of growing up in Kansas. Wait!That's it! Our reality show shall be called Growing Up Kansan, and we'll watch as two Kansans (us) try to make it in the big city. That way, we don't actually have to go to Kansas, and we'll still get to be on TV. And maybe, just maybe, there will be cookies....


Kansan Erin (for this is what we shall refer to one another during the show-no it's not awkward)-

I'm afriad, if there aren't cookies, I wont be doing anything! Now, I did have this plan to make you 'blacker' and it was going to be a lot of fun (since it wont be happening I wont dangle all the fun in front of you then take it away but it did involve a lot of kentucky fried chicken and possibly a rental of a hummer with rims) This is going to work! Now, do we know anyone in the entertainment, show producing, making random people famous arena? No. This could possibly be a problem. However, at my job I've learned to be a 'solution thinking' individual. I say we sleep with as many people as we possibly can and then we'll eventually sleep with someone who can help us. This process can also include cookies. Just fyi. (disclaimer: This photo was the only picture available at time of post, however there will be no women used in this sleep to become famous game)
-Kansan Matthew

Kansan Matthew,

This sounds like the best plan I've heard all day. Now go. Go sleeparound! But careful not to get crumbs in the bed.

Kansan Erin