Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blog I must

So last night I went to Erin's for a not-mafia-mafia-night. Yes, too many people sucked and canceled on us. So, we watched some wacked out tv show. Then Erin and I stumbled onto something that I find HILARIOUS, and she finds annoying. So, I forced her to send me the conversation that we had on gchat about it. Once I start speaking in 'yoda lingo' it's hard for me to stop. Thus, I have proof for your enjoyment:
(the 'me' is Erin and hopefully you can figure out who 'Matt' is)

Matt: if you could do my laundry that'd be great (said inoffice space monotone)

me: see, the thing is bobs, i have eight bosses, so my onlymotivation to not mess up is that i have to hear about it eight times

Matt: i'm thinking about promoting you....

me: aren't you supposed to be working

Matt: haha that's funny and yes i am, im a brilliant multi tasker

me: yes...

Matt: tres true

me: so cute are you

Matt: coming to your house for mafia i shall

me: cool that is

Matt: yoda is great he is (fucked that one up i did)

me: yes. you ruined it. RUINED!

Matt: ungrateful i am and ashamed you are

me: hunger i have

Matt: food you yern? stop giggling i can not

me: for food i DO yearn.

Matt: ate yogurt i did

me: making phone calls i am hate it, i do

Matt: looking like a fool giggling i do, errands i run
Matt: annoyed i am
having to re do things over and over again annoyed it makes me

me: agree i do

Matt: excited for mafia i am get my vest back i want

me: oh yeah. i have that for you.

Matt: boo, ruined the game you did

me: i know. it's because i'm hungry

Matt: lame you are, stop i can not, fun i am having

me: don't you do anything?

Matt: yes i've filtered 50 emails for our database, word counted our hits onblogs for absolut, shipped three boxes of holiday packages to LA, and called 15 people recruiting for a research study since 10 am thank you very much

bathroom i must go
Matt: back iam

Here's a second (cause I'm sure you enjoyed the first so much)

Matt: ugh i am so annoyed my boss is so unorganized and knows i organize fiercly thus he throws all this CRAP my way andexpects it to be perfect

me: annoyinh or something like it

Matt: yeah something similiar

man i sucked at mafia last night

me: yeah, but what can you do? ya win some and you lose some you were just so guilty from the get go

Matt: i just got too excited
its my personality that fucks me in the end

me: that's what she said

Matt: haha ;)

and ps. dork i am not

me: riiight

Matt: cute boy i would like to meet.

me: you and me both or, to say it in yoda, you and me both

Matt: i did realize once you said it out loud in front ofstrangers, a dork i did sound like:

me: a dork you ARE but a dork so am i

Matt: unite we shall

me: so annoying working is

Matt: agree i do

*********Stop reading my blog you will ;)****************

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Poetry snap

So today will be quick, I decided to give you a piece of poetry I wrote in High School that got PUBLISHED in our literary magazine:

I'll give you a pen from the Holiday Inn

(yeah, I'm not sure why that got published either)

More deep thoughts another day.

Monday, March 3, 2008

24th, jager, neon, and DANCE

Yes, it's true. I turned 24 this past weekend. I celebrated by living 1 more year by apparently trying to kill myself. I went OUT. Thursday night (my actual bday) I met my family away from family (The Mindell's) and Chris at my favorite indian restaurant. It was fun, I love that place. I refer to it as Indian on Crack. LIGHTS GALORE. I was having a great time, sipping on wine, munching on delicious Indian.


a topic came up that would affect my month of March. We all were discussing about our vices. Then I believe it was Mara's idea to make a bet to see if we could all go the whole month of March without our vice. We'd all put in 50 bucks and the winners at the end would split the earnings. So I gave up shopping (I can purchase things only at the grocery store or bar), Erin can't have sweets, Mara can't have catered food, Chris can't drink coffee, and Barret can't smoke. Now I am saddened to say that already Barret has failed...and then there were 4. I'll keep you updated on the progress. Except the 21st is a free day. Erin's bday-so we all get to enjoy our vice for that day.

So then Friday came along and my boss kicked me out of the office early and told me to get a jump start on my bday weekend. I was tempted to go to my place and start having a cocktail, but I decided being older and wiser I could hold off for a few hours. Now just to give you an idea of how much will power I have, there was tequila/jager/vodka/gin in the freezer and 2 six packs of heineken in the fridge and I didn't touch any of it. So my 23rd was a bit lame. I had just moved to the city and hardly knew any one. Plus everyone had to work the next day so I went out and found my own party (which I'm not opposed to do) but this year I wanted to have a crazier celebration. This was accomplished:

I told everyone that the theme would be crazy funky neon. They loved the theme, as did I. Now imagine us dressed as this, walking into a bar. Now, this bar wasn't particularly 'hey dress funky and neonish' needless to say people stared. I'm not sure if it was in a good way-but I really didn't mind. For 1 night and 1 night only I played the 'It's my birthday' excuse and I can do what I want, and I did. I made guys buy me drinks (unfortunately I made it very clear that I would not be needing their services any longer) haha. I was THAT guy. But only for 1 night, dont I get a 'get out of jail free card?' Come on.... no? FINE.

Then I recovered all Saturday and stayed in my bed until it was time to go out again. Mainly because I was recovering and mainly I was too scared to leave my apt. for fear that I might buy something. I have a problem and I'm aware of it. But what's the harm in 3 vases for my room? Whatever I guess I'll have to buy them April 1.

So then I headed out Saturday night again, but this time dressed a little more appropriately. Met up with my promoter friend, Eddie, who does stuff at this club called Kush. Alex and I (he's this guy I met out on the island this summer who we just randomly got reunited, and well, as you can tell its a long story-but he's cool and I pretend to be cool so cool people hang out.) were a hit with the ladies. The women at the front door loved us and 2 women we met inside were very upset that we weren't in the market for them. Always a little boost.

I'm going to take a moment really quick to talk about the word 'door', now most of you would just assume that this word is a normal everyday use word. Let me give you a little back story. I have been scared for life because of the spelling of this word. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in a 3rd grade spelling bee and I was the FIRST one out, for I, Matthew Conley, spelled it 'dorr'. I still slip up and attempt to spell it Dorr. I know. I'm pathetic. I'll give you my address so you can hunt me down and throw stones at me.

Anywho Sunday night was another day of not leaving the house really. Then Sunday night was our 2nd Dinner Club get together. Erin and I went to Brooklyn to have another night of discussion of subway stories, porn, and fireworks. I think since next month is at my place I'll have a much more structured conversation since I am interested in what these people have to talk about, but I feel like a chump just randomly asking-are you pro-Hilary or pro-Obama and if you're pro-the other guy GET OUT OF MY APT. but please tip me cause that wine wasn't free.

All in all 24 came in with a bang and I thank everyone who sent me well wishes. Older but not sure if I'm wiser-still hoping the day comes. ;)