Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I think I'm from Kansas cause I talk about the weather a lot.

Yesterday was such a bad day (see previous blog below). I had to go to the gym and run off some steam. Which usually works, and it did. I felt great. Esp cause Lance Armstrong came on my ipod and told me my run was the longest I've ran thus far. So then I decided to go out for a drink. I went to a bar by myself and grabbed 1 (ok fine 2) of these:

It was delicious and totally hit the spot. I got home and woke up this morning hung over and slightly still drunk I believe. Well yes it's true, 1 drink turned into 6 cause I met up with my friend Sean and had a few more. Then I realized I had no dinner, thus I was really feeling it. I woke up to find this:
Yeah, no more dollas. meh, as my grand mother says 'You can't take it with you to heaven' So then today Jill and I go to work together like we do most morning and it was like this outside:

That's me actually. I had enough time to pose for a portrait this guy wanted to do of me. I'm contemplating keeping the moustache. No, it was a downpour! But then I found a song on my ipod that I can't stop playing and it makes me so happy and I can't sit still and listen to it, I have to dance around, so I end up looking like this:

Yay better mood!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sit down Shut up and Listen to me Bitch

Yes that's right, it's bitch/vent time. I'm in a bitchy mood, if you haven't caught already I've used the word 'bitch' 3 times already, well 4 including that last 'bitch'-damnit now 5. Ok. Moving on. I just wanted to get a few things off my shoulders. Blogging tends to help. I love my friends. I'm very loyal to my friends. In fact this is exactly why I dont have many of them, because I'm spending all my time with only a few, cause they take a lot of my time-which I'm not complaining about. So I just want to write that friends aren't suppose to be convenient. They shouldn't be people you hang out with only when you can or need them, they should be people you go out of your way for when they need you. Also, friends shouldn't be people you hang out with in the mean time until you 'find' someone. That's lame and if I get put on the backburner after you get in a relationship then you lose major stock with me. Ok that's all, I feel better. Wait, no I don't. I'm the type of person who feels his friends' emotions, so if my friend is sad it totally affects my mood, and I highly dislike a few people who are making my friends' lives miserable. So F off you bastards and give me my happy friends back. I think it's the weather since it looks like this out:
I love you all, but dont mess with me today. Running off steam then having a dirty ketel one martini with 3 olives damnit!

Monday, February 11, 2008

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap dog show!

Yes it's true. Today I'm going to the Westminster Kennel Dog Show! You might have seen it on an absurd tv station, or even on sex and the city. I got invited, and couldn't refuse. We are going to go back and see the dogs getting groomed, running around looking like large dredded animals (see above). It's going to be great. I can't wait.

So I guess I'll go through my weekend recap now: Friday night was insane! We went to see this show down by union square. Fuerta something or other. So my roommates and Jason Chan and I all rocked out to Marisella before the show to make it extra special, then took the train down-which was a trip to say the least. Then we go in and the stage is above you! People running around on top of you, running on the longest tred mill ever, bullets being shot, girls dangling from above. A trip to say the least. It was insane and probably one of hte most 'religious' experiences of my life-hehe. So then we all went to my favorite reggae/hip hop clubs in the east village. We took over the back room and rocked out all night. It was a blast. Then saturday I bought a BED FRAME! But stupid 'wont be delivered until 2 weeks from now'! Lame. Then Sunday Jill and I went to brunch at my favorite place to chill in south harlem. She loved it, I loved it and the stuffed french toast was also amazing!

Then Erin and I signed up in previous weeks for a dinner club. I think its a rather mature thing to do. I mean stupid people dont sign up for dinner clubs.....oh but wait til I give you details ;) I figured its always nice to talk with people you'd never really talk to or engage with other than things like this. So we all gathered at this guys apt. and met one another and gave job titles, etc. Then Erin do what we usually do in large groups. We either a)ignore everyone and just hang out with one another or b)if the crowd is passive and shy we tend to dominate the entire group conversation or c)like we did last night BOTH! It was a good evening filled with Brazillian themed feast. The evening was going well until 1 question arose that both Erin and I could hardly keep a straight face. This woman asked another girl from LA how long it takes to 'weave her hair', then continues to ask 'Does it hurt?' Wow. Erin and I couldn't believe it happened. Then we all told Subway stories and I told one about how I was appauled and frustrated that this woman with a child expected me to get up for her to sit down. This baby already had a seat in his little stroller thing, and my reaction was 'you were the one who decided to have a child-why should I be forced to get up for you?' I get up for old people and pregnant people only. I'm a nice guy but I'm not going to hop up for just anybody. Then this guy at dinner responded 'Well that was rather assumptious, you dont know if shes' had a hard life, blah blah blah' So I hated him too. haha. It's completely normal and acceptable to hate a person after 1 comment to you, which bring me to my next point the 'doesn't get sarcasm' girl. Erin enjoyed her as well. So that in a nutshell was my weekend. Bark Bark