Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Have a nice day

So I was off to get some Chipotle. yum. As I was paying a thought for a blog sparked. 'Have a nice day' How simple. It's something I constantly am saying, because its easy and it puts people in a good mood. Perhaps its because I'm from the Midwest and New York hasn't completely made me a jaded person, but I hold strong. Then on my walk back to work (something you New Yorkers have probably experienced.) I was walking underneath scaffolding. (Sp?) and a HUGE DROP landed on my head. Now here in New York this drop could be anything. Here are the possibilities:

Perhaps a squirrel was wasted and dropped his beer and it spilled on to me?
Perhaps this man was atop and decided to take a break from fixin' shit and spit down onto the pedestrians?

Perhaps wealthy kids who have a balcany in Midtown decided to take a leak onto all the traffic?

Perhaps a bird decided I hadn't had a hard enough week, so he decided to aim for me?
Reality? It was probably a combination of all these things.....god love new york.

Open Bar anyone?

So let me tell you about my evening. I went to a GLAAD event. Yes we sponsored it. I brought over the vodka and some bar mats and got to 'enjoy the event'. It's always enjoyable, going up to a bar with no sign outside, with a door man and red rope and saying 'I'm with Absolut.' He opens up and I get access. Cause without me there'd be no booze and you dont want people to cry do you? Well somedays I do-but that's another topic. So I walk in and there are name tags NAME TAGS PEOPLE! So I knew right away that this party was going to be.....interesting (thank god for the open bar). I am with my friend Patrick and we're getting drunk. This is what we do. We always say 'lets go out for a few drinks' but this ALWAYS ends up being many drinks. So the best part of the night is some guy is giving a toast....I said 'Wow look at those pants, far left." and Patrick says 'Oh, I know which pair you're talking about.' For comical relief they looked something like this:

Ok, not that bad, but instead of the princess there were Pirates, but STILL THE SPARKLES. It was rather entertaining. So then Patrick and I walk to get some food, lord knew I needed it. Guess who calls? My mom. Guess what I did? Answered it and said 'Mom, warning I've had like 4 drinks at an open bar (that was a lie, I had around 6?) She called because I had a meeting with my boss to discuss my future at the company and it was GREAT news, so I was out celebrating and she knew that and was proud, yay moms. However then we went to this other bar, and Sean shows up. You remember him from previous blogs? Well when the 3 of us get together:
It's a crazy evening. They just quit their jobs so they were just getting started on the evenings festivities, I on the other hand had to work this morning (getting chipotle for lunch cause DAMN, I'm struggling) so hopped in a cab and went home around midnight. This is where I discuss about how I can't have a dog. It sounds fun in ideal land, but alas I was with our dog for 2 nights and I CAN'T STAND HER! Seriously, she wakes me up, steals my spot, I'm too selfish for a dog. She woke me up this morning at 6:30 just to say 'Hey, I'm cute-wanna walk me now?' I made it very clear THAT WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING. hmmm I use caps when I'm hung over apparently. Anyway what a crazy night. Also, I've mourned my wallet and passport and have been using patrick's (the one on the right) old ID. So I'm back to being 19 again. Gotta love it. On other news I re-registered to vote in New York City, I'm slowly becoming official.....wish me luck.