Saturday, January 5, 2008

Events unfold.

I'm in on a saturday night! Call the Times, Post, Some sleezy celebrity magazine! Tragic 23 year old in on a Saturday! I know what you're thinking, what could possibly of happened to Matt to make him stay in on a Saturday? Well obviously I'm going to tell you, I'm writing the damn blog about it. James' birthday was last night. We went to his favorite restaurant and bought him dinner, cute evening. Then we went to a cute bar for some great music. I found out it was free vodka before 11, it was 10:43, guess how many I downed? 3. Those drinks are expensive at that bar, so I took advantage. Then Don, James' random rich friend came and 'took care' of all of us, more free drinks! This could only spell disaster. You're right it did. I then ran into Sean, those of you who dont know who he is he looks like this:

He was my old boss this summer. He's a lot of fun and is a great guy. We are friends now, but no longer work together. sad. So when I see him it means we're getting drunk, very very very drunk-unfortunately. This man forces booze down me (force is a strong word, like I say no) like no one else can. I tell my roommates I need to go home, I'm too drunk to be in public, on my way out Sean grabs me and throws me into a cab and says we're going to another bar. Let it be known I TRIED to be good. I found out were going to this shady bar, but always a good time randomly. I go to pay for a few drinks then with both hands with drinks I go back to Sean, but then I feel something is wrong.....and something looks like this:
In case you can't get it. I'm the guy with the top hat (this is an actual picture take from last night, I wore a top hat!) GETTING ROBBED! The theif was swift. I also now know what you're thinking. Matt was drunk and lost his wallet. NO, I WAS ROBBED! I've had that thing forever. All my cards, metrocard, gift cards, licenses, UN id (that still got me into places free), my old student id (which I use to get 2 bucks off my movie), and my list of places I want to visit before I die. I only had 24 bucks in there, did they not get that I wasn't rich? I would of given them my money, just let me keep the wallet! Bastards! This is Karma, I knew I shouldn't of clubbed those baby seals earlier in the evening. Now I can't access money cause I woke up and it the banks were already closed, closed tomorrow so I have 5 bucks (thanks to sean who gave me cab ride money) to last until Monday. I dont want to be that person in those visa commercials who whips out his checkbook and makes everyone fall and run into each other and dropping all the things they are juggling. Yes if you've never been to New York we're required to juggle everything. This also means I can't go to the bars, can you imagine going up to the bar grabbing a drink then whipping out my checkbook. I laugh thinking about it, but that's because I would never do that, I'd feel like an idiot. Meh, wallets get stolen off to rent a movie, hm with my now stolen blockbuster card-this will be an issue. Note to self: if you club a baby seal you WILL get your wallet stolen.

Friday, January 4, 2008

An interpretive Animalistic Journal Entry

So I was thinking about the differences between Summer and Winter on my walk to work. I hear it's suppose to get warm again this weekend so me hating the world has already decreased. However I just wanted to explain something I've noticed about myself. In Spring I'm flaunting. I dont have big muscles, but I'm tall to be honest when a cute guy walks by I stand with perfect posture and stick whatever chest I have out to 'woo' the walking by fellow. It looks something like this:
However when it's winter out I can not do this. I am bundled up and frozen and just focused on not killing anyone who gets in my way from keeping me from warmth. I have a scarf to cover the neck, but that still doesn't help when a cute guy walks by, I think to myself 'I DONT CARE, STOP STARING AT ME, I'M FROZEN AND MY NOSE IS RUNNING!!!' So I'm a huddle mess and my confidence in witner time takes a hit, because I look something like this:

Thank you and goodnight.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Newspaper Headlines (this is real!)

So Erin and I went to trader Joes' last night and I thought of a really funny blog of our trip. It sparked when I asked Erin what those things on top of bags are called (handles in case you have forgotten). So Erin and I walk into Trader Joes. Picture it, something had attacked the city and we were all out for survival. I believe it was a giant ninja-but wasn't sure I slept in my bath tub last night and seeing the news this morning it has been captured. Anywho we decided to go to the local store to stock up on supplies cause who knew how long the Giant Ninja would be at large. We walked in and it was mass anarchy, filled with people and hardly anything on the shelves. Oh yeah, it (the giant ninja) also flooded the entire city, but dont worry the waters went away by morning as well. Erin was spotted by a newscrew and got her picture taken:She was claimed as raiding the grocery store. Looting like a crazy person. I on the other hand was also spotted:

But my title was "Man searches for food for survival". Ok back to watching men chop up the Giant Ninja to rid the city once and for all of him!

7 minutes of HELL!

This is what I feel like today: Look someone cut a hole in the ice and forced me into it! I'm serious, this is not an exaggeration to express how cold my walk to work was this morning.
Ok fine, you got me, I'm making this up, this isn't me in ice. I just want to express that usually my 7 minute walk to the subway is enjoyable. Today no such luck. I'm in the office, already why I'm a bit angry, cold, and pissed. All my friends and co-workers went somewhere cool/warm for break. They basically said 'fuck it' and left to go somewhere nice. I instead went to Kansas. I'm tired of going to Kansas as my vacation. It was no vacation. It was enjoyable to see everyone, but no vacation. It was cold, I cried, people around me cried, it was cold, I got yelled at, you can smoke in bars, I forgot my cool Diesel scarf there, AND you can't get thai devlivered! I want to go back to Summer. I love summer, the tan, the skin, the sun, the beach. Erin and I decided that our plan to move to Cali in a few years should be sped up until our groceries that we got at Trader Joes runs out. So perhaps in a few days I'll be moving to Cali. Ok I think I'm done complaining, but since I'm at work I found a few pictures of me from this summer on our server Look how happy I am:
That's also because that tray was filled with drinks and guess who drank them? Yup.......(well I was working so it wasn't me, but SEE I dont even need to drink in summer to be happy, I just am!) Summer come to me now.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My Confession...

With a title like that I'm aware that you're already on the edge of your seat. Well instead of being witty and have my 'dry' sense of humor and trick you into something obnoxious that I've done, I shall actually get to my real confession. So I'm going to do something that some of you wont like. I'm going to quote a book. I just finished 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man':

It's about this guy who went around the world in the 60s (up until recently) and indebted countries, thus benefitting the West. This is actually along the lines of what I wrote my final paper in College about. How the West has switched from enslaving people from 'developing' (using the term 'developing' creates problems which I wont get into but be aware I'm using them just to get to my broader point)countries to creating flat out colonialisms to what we see now a days is debt. We now have another way to keep countries under our belt-debt. So, I read this book and it was really inspiring because the guy is A) a great writer and B) exposed a lot of truth that many dont realize. So I'm going to retype a paragraph that I really enjoyed.

"We prefer to believe the myth that thousands of years of human social evolution has finally perfected the ideal economic system, rather than to face the fact we have merely bought into a false concept and accepted it as gospel. We have convinced ourselves that all economic growth benefits humankind, and that the greater the growth, the more widespread the benefit. Finally, we have persuaded one another that the corollary to this concept is valid and morally just: that people who excel at stoking the fires of economic growth should be exalted and rewarded, while those born at the fringes are available for exploitation. (Perkins, John 255).

So I'll let you digest that for a second.......done? ok. John later goes into about how he did all these horrible things in all these countries, convincing world leaders to sign up for things they had no idea would be so consequental (sp?). He then realized what can he do? What can anyone do? Words-I'll credit him (words create change) ;) He decided to publish this book about EHM (Economic Hit Men) to expose the truth. We (America and countries alike) are exploiting billions of people around the world. You already know this. This comes to where I say REVOLUTION! You're right I wont start it, you probably wont either. But steps are small and I'm aware always that the decisions I make on a dialy basis are possible because I (not purposely, but that's the way our world order is structured as of now) put people a step back allowing me to step forward. Everything that is involved in my life is revolved around so many other inviduals in this world. My green tea wasn't made in my backyard nor was the tshirt I'm wearing. So anti-globalization? No, I enjoy my indie films (you're right I dont watch those, but it came to mind) my Corona, and my italian shoes (vespa's rock and I plan to own one some day as well). John Perkins just talked about how much wealth there is in the world but as we've seen in all of history how greedy they become. Can you imagine if McDonald's made it a goal to have universal health care in all the countries it had establishments? (Fun Fact from a government class I took in college, no 2 countreis who have had a McDonald's in it-say USA and Russian- have never gone to war together) Could global corporations really be the answer? Who knows, my point was not to prove that I'm a genius and know what to do, I'm just saying I liked the book. I could go on about how else I damage the earth, but as a good friend in high school once said "I put a lot of bad out into the world (not like kicking children, but indirectly supporting sweat shops) I'm just trying to put as much good back into it, if not a little bit more."-Something I try to fashion in my life as well.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

So I decided

I went through all my pictures to find 'hangover' pictures and I realized that I go out often (perhaps that could be a resolution? anyway) But I decided to put pictures that arent' flattering of myself just to bring entertainment to you.....Look at me sacrificing myself for you(r entertainment), I'm like jesus.

January 1, Resolutions, Rediculous Hang Overs, and Channel Surfing

So here I sit on the new year. Jill and I are both on our macs looking terribly trendy. We now have 3 people in this tiny apt. and 3 apple books, anway I have a point-I'll get to it. This is the day where everyone gets reflective. I say nay-I'm always reflective get over it people. And NO I will not be making a resolution for 2008. I eat pretty healthy (unless I've had something to drink) I work out 4 days (ish) a week (unless I've had something to drink) and I make pretty smart decisions (unless I've had something to drink). So, moving on.....I dont' really believe in resolutions. This is coming from the guy who had a personality test given to him by his uncle and when Bill started listing a few off Matt said 'wait, some of these are negative!' haha. I'm wearing my hang over booty shorts recapping the night. We went to brooklyn with 3 minutes to spare. Hung out with hipsters in a warehouse with champagne out of a plastic cup. It was a good new year. I needed to keep it somewhat low key because I had a very eventful night the night before. We wont go into detail. I already deleted it from my memory, wait, what was I talking about? exactly. My roommates are trying to bring two new words into our daily lives 'legend' (to replace fierce) and 'warm' instead of 'cool'. I just talk about how lame they are and 'what are we having for dinner?' So you thought this post was going to be about how I was going to make better decisions in the new year didn't you? Nope, I'm in my early 20s, that's what we're suppose to be doing. Just hope I make it out alive, no-seriously. Something else I noticed to the other day that was funny is pace. When you're going fast you hate all the people taking forever walking on the sidewalk, then when you have nowhere to be and enjoying your walk you think about how everyone could use to slow down a bit....just a random thought I wanted to share. Jill and I are going nuts sitting on the couch so I must get back to it, call it lazy cabin fever. Need to get out but just can't bring ourselves to do it. BA BING

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ok fine, Kansas isn't THAT bad.

So I am back in New York City and couldn't be happier about it. I returned and my roommates and I all missed each other so my chill night in turned into checking out this new party and meeting another friend out who had a table at this really cute club. So on the plane ride I got to thinking about why I like Kansas. I always do this on plane rides, get reflective. I thought about how when asked I will ALWAYS say where I am from. I am proud of my background. My childhood was amazing, filled with playing in clubhouses we built in trees, running around the plains that are Kansas. I never noticed it until my good friend Nick in college said (referring to Kansas) there's so much sky here. We do, indeed, have a lot of sky. Here's an example from my fathers house:

isn't it great? We also have an adorable dog with a wrap around porch:!

this is in comparison to my current view out my window:

Look 2 TREES! Anyway the moral is that although I might bitch about there being nothing to do(which there isn't, but its good to slow down sometimes) I get to visit with family and visit some friends, which last I checked was a good thing. Off to the huslte and bussle that is this madning city! xoxo