Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Have a nice day

So I was off to get some Chipotle. yum. As I was paying a thought for a blog sparked. 'Have a nice day' How simple. It's something I constantly am saying, because its easy and it puts people in a good mood. Perhaps its because I'm from the Midwest and New York hasn't completely made me a jaded person, but I hold strong. Then on my walk back to work (something you New Yorkers have probably experienced.) I was walking underneath scaffolding. (Sp?) and a HUGE DROP landed on my head. Now here in New York this drop could be anything. Here are the possibilities:

Perhaps a squirrel was wasted and dropped his beer and it spilled on to me?
Perhaps this man was atop and decided to take a break from fixin' shit and spit down onto the pedestrians?

Perhaps wealthy kids who have a balcany in Midtown decided to take a leak onto all the traffic?

Perhaps a bird decided I hadn't had a hard enough week, so he decided to aim for me?
Reality? It was probably a combination of all these things.....god love new york.

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