Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Whatever happened to pogs?

Well when I was a bit younger I totally use to collect these useless things called: Pogs. Now the great thing about them was you just wanted as many as possible. You would gather later at night and go through all the cool ones you have in your pog holder tube. I remember always loving the skull ones. Not too sure what that tells me about my life, but meh. Anyway I was discussing with Jill about the absence of pogs and she said 'you seem like the type of person who would have all the cool accessories, etc. Um, hell yeah I did:
The neon tube, the numerous pogs, the slammers, and the SLAMMER BOARD! Mine was red in the cut out of a saw with an 8 ball painted onto it. I pretty much rocked. I wonder why I stopped collecting them......oh yeah, I'd look like the guy below if I hadn't:

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