Friday, December 7, 2007

Crazy People

I wanted to write this whole blog (which I still plan on doing, but waiting for more pictures to make it extra special) about how dogs have entered my life and how I love it. However, I will push this off until a later date and talk to you about my morning commute. I woke up before my alarm (which has happened twice this week randomly) and quickly remembered my dream (which I will share with you now-feel free to scroll down, but its mainly for me to have written down)

I was watching a movie with some friends, no-none of you were there, but apparently I was really close to them. I walked outside and there were tons of lines of luggage everywhere in a parking lot. Several cops were there and asked me to 'find mine'. I was looking and getting nervous and thinking to myself A) I dont remember packing but more importantly B) Was there anything illegal or dirty in there? I told the man "Honestly, I can't find it." He said "ok, come with me" I started getting nervous, but he was cute so I wasn't too worried. He took me upstairs through all these hallways and such and finally openend up this door and inside.......Were all these people from my past. Again, none of you. But I think it was some place I use to work and they were all old employees. The man all dressed up who I quickly assumed was the owner of the fierce house was something like the custodian or something from my past job. I was happy to see him, and knew I had been nice to him-but still confused. He sat us all down and told us that he had too much money and wanted to give some to people who had been nice to him in his past before the money. He quickly ran arond the room to several hiding spots and found tons of cash (this is why I'm not a rich person, because I still assume you hide money throughout your room), well they were in euros. So he gave me like 2,000 euros and I immediately thought about paying off debt. I figure this proves that A) I'm international since my currency in my dream was European (or perhaps I read the Economist lately and the dollar is not so good and euros are more, thus more money!) and B)That I'm responsible with my money since I immediately thought about paying off debt (but my real concern was paying it all off so I could go shopping for myself-selfish) So in summary I am International (greedy) and Responsible (selfish)!

However, then all 3 of my roommates were in and out of the shower. We agreed, thank god we're all ok with being in front of each in our towels. I was getting ready for work as I do every morning, "Jill I like the other pants better, "Which shoes?", "Do you want a banana for the walk?" etc. Then Jill and I get the 3 train! Which means we get to sit! Well all was fine until this guy who was on the platform was screaming out words randomly. Jill and I responded "Crazy man walking" Well once we left 96th st. and headed towardsd 72nd we realized the crazy got on our train. Well it went something like this "" Jill assumed he's just singing a song but doesn't know all the words. I was convinced he's just crazy. Then the man got in between the cars and was still screaming/singing. We got to 42nd st. and Jill got off (and missed the events unfold) but MTA officials came looking for the man. Now I can only tell you that it looked a lot like dennis the menace running around in a tree and the adults being unable to get ahold of him. I was a bit distracted with my Rihanna on my ipod (yes I was breakin' dishes at 10am). However, I jumped on the local and got to work just in time, but I thought how many people really are crazy in this city? But then I realized, once no one was around on my floor after I got off the elevator I was dancing and singing outloud. Perhaps, I'm crazy but am in the closet about it. Maybe this guy was in his own world enjoying the music and we (society) said NO you're not allowed to enjoy yourself this much this early in the morning surrounded by so many people. Who says you're not allowed to get so involved in your music that you have to get kicked off the subway? Well I do. Because he almost ruined the fact that I left early to ideally get to work early, but instead just made me on time. If he would of made me late, well I wouldn't of done anything and I'm not intimidating so.....I just would of had a different tone to this blog. (I know what you're thinking, you got to work early for what, cause you're blogging now, and my response to you is: SHUT UP-not only am I intimidating but also very good at come backs.)

Until next time.

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