Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I finally did it...

I know the title is so nerve racking. Did Matthew finally go mad? No, he went to starbucks and for the first time ever gave them $3.10 of his own money. (Ok I'm done with 3rd person.) I went to school in Lawrence. The land of great, amazing, LOCAL coffee shops. I never went into starbucks or Borders. I had no reason to, my local coffee shop had a much more interesting surrounding plus better music-not to mention cheaper. So I was brainwashed almost to never go to a chain. Lawrence is great for that, you can totally get by all 5 years without going into a chain. Now, it's holiday season and I've got a busy schedule starting in a few days and I can feel a semi-cold coming on. I refuse to be sick for xmas so I went to Duane Reade to get some zicam and some soup. Now, I've tried to find a local coffee shop but that is impossible in midtown nyc. I needed a large white tea and I didn't want to walk forever to get it. So, I sucked it up-entered into this clean environment with certain sections of the room playing into my ethos and saying indirectly 'we're not that bad, look at this little boy in some village, we're 'helping' him'- which commercializes it-yet brings awareness so Im constantly stuck in this catch 22 about all this-but thats another issue for another day. So all in all it wasn't that bad. I didn't get stoned for going and I can feel the white tea attacking my immune system! Even if I did do something bad for the environment/world today (which I'm sure I can think of many more that are more negative worldwide then getting a tea at starbucks) Last night I carried by trash bag full of recycleable materials all the way to my home instead of throwing it away (like i wanted to several times because it was frigid out). I dont need a metal, I just would like to address that recycling should be convenient, but if it's not that's no excuse!

Also I decided to be a nice person on the elevator ride back up to my office and hold the door for this guy. What was my reward? The elevator decided to eat me-literally. It grew fangs and got a good chunk out of me. It was apparently done waiting for this guy to unload his 6 boxes of light fixtures and decided to close and it wasn't stopping by me merely standing in front of it, I literally had to push it back! Ok off to fight the good fight. To infinity and beyond....

1 comment:

Sam Hendricks said...

Good news from KCMO about the local coffee movement. The Broadway Cafe actually beat out the Starbucks right next to it. I was amazed when I heard the news. Starbucks is moving out soon. Damn the man!

PS. you should make anonymous comments possible. Not everyone has a blogger account.