Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Stupid Utah

So today I am working on Sundance stuff in Utah. We are 'going green' next year with Absolut and are using Sundance as a platform to launch our Green Movement. (If you tell anyone, I'll be forced to....kill you) So anywho, we're making the Lounge as Green as possible from the LED lighting to the eco friendly paint and donating the furniture to Habitat, etc. Soooo it's totally up my ally making sure everything is either recycled or eco-friendly. So I'm really enjoying the assignment. So I was on this conference call and I kept forgetting we are dealing with Utah. First of all due to Utah law unless its a restricted private party you can't give away free drinks, and the most you can 'sell for a buck' is 3- So I will never be living in Utah (only 3 drinks?) But they said they dont have a recycling center in Park City. I interjected and said 'actually you have a recycling center 1.3 miles from the Lounge. I felt cool, I was on top of it, knew my shit. Then the guy from Utah burst my bubble. They dont actually recycle those materials. It goes into the land fill, Utah doesn't have a recycling power plant, they collect the materials for statistical purposes, in order to see if they need one/how big of one! What? You're saying you dont recycle your recycled goods? Pissed consumer (enjoy the pun). Soo, these are two reasons why I dont like Utah.

On another note I bought some zicam (which i totally recommend cause it kicked my cold, so in order to celebrate the day of- I went out for a 'few drinks', which if you know me you understand what that translates into.....several drinks.) and it tells me I can drink anything for 15 minutes after I take the pill. Fine, but I dont like restrictions. Not saying I drink allllll the time, but I do enjoy to hydrate at my desk. But just the fact that I have to watch the clock before I can have my next drink annoys me. I dont like restrictions.....or authority(but thats another post in itself). So zicam works you just have to follow the rules. Ok back to work. love you long time.

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