Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Holidays (filled with Pirates)

I'm sitting here confused as hell with the third Pirates movie. It's too complicated filled with way too many story lines and betrayals. I'm over it, so I decided to blog instead. I've decided to write about the insanity that has been the last few days. I told someone how many family members I have and they didn't believe me. I responded in the text with "I'm from the midwest and was raised Catholic" They said "ah, gotcha-sorry." I know. There are loads of us running around which is funny because I'm still 1. Everyone else multiplied. Couples were there, great grandchildren were there, etc. It's been nuts. I was rather hesistant to come home. Whenever I come home I'm forced to make plans with EVERYONE i've met in the last 23 years of my life. When you're only home for 5 days its really rough (I know I'm complaining about having so many friends and family, I realize-moving on). Well let me describe my Xmas eve. I gather at one of our uncle's house where all the Conleys meet. There's about 60 of us now. Now imagine that my cousins (all around in their early 20s or perhaps even 19 or so) with their children and spouses. Now wait it gets better. We play games! We have the gift exchange where I'm sure most of you are aware of, put all the gifts in a circle and its a cat and mouse game to open up a new package or steal someone else's gift! I always prefer to steal, its a safer bet, and more fun. God only knows I dont want to get stuck with the tools or the lotion set, always be thankful for gift cards! This year however so many of my cousins are getting older so we've upgraded to the adult exchange. Now this is where we all loook like we're alcoholics. Instead of the numerous flashlight sets, towel sets, and lotion products, that we normally have every year, this year was the year of the booze. I actually contributed and brought a bottle of Absolut (brand loyalty) and ended up with a bottle of Crown Royal (Which I guess is really nice and high class, but I'm not a fan.) Then we head home drink some more then head to bed 'cause santa has to come' (yes my parents still utter these words to us) We say just put out the gifts in the morning. haha. Upon awaking on this White Christmas Morning we all gather at the top of the stairs then head down (as kids we use to run, but now we're more upset at the fact that we're up so early, and look half asleep still) where our father is with the video camera. We go into the office where the tree is and see what Santa has brought us in the night. This year was great. We usually get good practical gifts (good, but boooooring) but we got nerf guns instead! They were great, started shooting one another and our childhood tendencies came right back. The rest of the morning is filled with us playing a game we got our watching a movie. This year was 'planet earth' series. Totally sweet. Then Becky's (my step mom) family comes over and we feast and open more gifts. All the siblings watched a movie then I went over to my other grandparents' house for more gifts from my mom (who is on a cruise) and more food. I must say I eat a lot when I come home. This is because everyone still thinks I'm too skinny and dont have any meat on my bones (which is true, but I'm going to pay to pick up heavy things? I dont think so, but I will go for a good 4 mile run-part as to why I'm so skinny.) Wait, hold on, I'm intrigued there's an octopus fighting on the movie.......ok he's referring to things I have no clue about, moving on. So anywho it was a fun day filled with constant movement and loads of family. I have another Christmas party today with even more family. I grew up with totally different sides of families. One (the Conley's) are very vocal, a little crude, boisterous, drinkers, and sexually active and vocal about it. The other (The Rogenmosers) are more queit, non-drinkers, dont talk about certain 'issues' that might make someone uncomfortable, academic focused, functionally disfunctional, Brady Bunch vs Roseann Bar type of family, perhaps a little repressed, intellectuals who dont discuss anything worth mentioning, and on an overall avoidance of debateable issues. I love that I'm adaptable and can roll with either side. I'm the mutual gang affiliate (bloods vs. crypts) who is allowed to merge onto either territory. I realize that most dont enjoy reading about other peoples families (a type of family photo slideshow situation) so I will wrap this up. However seeing everyone has been enjoyable yet exhausting. I also love how big our house is, I can spread out so much here, not to mention outside my windows aren't more buildings, actual wildlife walks by in our land! I'm so country to city people but to Kansans know, it's not THAT country at my house. Well there's lots to do mentally and physically to prepare for todays 52 questions about my life plus there's loads of explosions on the movie now so I shall catch yah later. xoxo

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