Thursday, May 15, 2008

Vegetarian Thursdays

So I've been thinking. I should do 1 day a week where I don't eat meat. I watched this really disgusting video about how eating meat is horrible for you, for animals, and especially for the environment. Well. I was raised in kansas. I basically had chunks of steak in my cereal in the morning. I go to the fridge looking for meat:

I mean seriously. Every meal (except Breakfast) I have meat. It fills me up. It feels weird if it's not part of the meal. I dont feel as full as I should if there is no meat. Remember that saying, 'get some meat on your bones?' Well its very midwest and what, beans are going to put 'meat on my bones? NO, meat is going to put meat on my bones. But, with the way the world is going I've decided to go meatless for a day. I'm not requesting a metal (if you'd like to make one for me I wont disagree, but please engrave in gold on it 'Matthew is the best') but I need to blog about it so I make it happen. I need to get into my head that Thursdays are VEGETARIAN THURSDAYS from this point on. No more of this:

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