Monday, December 3, 2007

Hm, wondering if this works. I didn't major in blog.

So I'm sitting here on my living room floor drinking anti-oxidant non-caffenated (not to self, learn how to spell caffenated) green tea deciding to myself that I would like to start a blog. Mainly because it will give me something to do at work, and the 3 people who will probably read this will also appreciate another distraction at work. Speaking of distractions, I officially turned the TV off. After living without a TV for 3 years its rather easy to get sucked into the world of crap, also known as 'reality' tv. Last time I checked reality wasn't this over the top, but who am I to judge. (oh wait that's right I do it all the time- but secretly and behind your back.). Like this- feel free to judge or giggle:

(yay this is fun)
I'm still working out the kinks, but I figure this is more productive than staring out my window at the school next door getting remodeled, or wandering anywhere outside (since its freezing) and that makes me angry:

So here I sit to post. Mainly to get my thoughts out onto paper, but to once and for all realize that I'm the only person that really thinks I'm funny. But let me tell you about the time when I was an evil winch for no reason. After this story you'll realize why this whole week I have to go out of my way to be nice to humanity. I was in the grocery store, getting things for the house-our usuals (hummus, tortilla chips with a hint of lime, corona, and wheat thins) I start to grab for my bags that I brought to carry my grocieries home in(mother earth 1, destroying the world 0) and this woman in front of me began to create a racous (or rukus) about Lays chips. This woman was rather large, balding, greasy hair, and smelled. She was starting this uproar because her Lays chips rang up 1.99 vs. 99cents. She refused to pay the dollar. She wasn't satisfied until the OWNER of the store came over and gave her the dollar off (mind you 10 minutes has passed at this point). Before that happened I decided to interject (after she heard me sigh under my breath and say 'you've got to be kidding me ) I said 'It's a fucking dollar, I'll pay the damn dollar if it'll hurry this up." I know with these dimples who knew I had it in me? I was taken aback when I left and realized how harsh this was. I wasn't even in a bad mood, but just didn't have the time to deal with that apparently. Perhaps New York is making me a bit bitchy, or perhaps I'm more frivolous with my money and have no one to spend my money on other than myself and she's saving for a reason. Anywho, this is why I'm trying to be overly nice this week to make up for it. Perhaps I'll follow this example:

Which I've tried to get my good friend Erin to do with me, but we're too busy doing this:

I think I shall end it there for the evening, I need to make a 'to do list' for the morning.


Eric Brown said...

Those of us without jobs will also enjoy the distraction...

Erin Elan said...

you know, i'd be willing to give out free hugs if i could get a cuddle bunny out of it. god, i'm so lonely....