Friday, April 18, 2008

Apples (to Apples?)

So this post (as I'm sure you guessed) is about apples. Spring is in the air, and mark the date: I walked to work with NO jacket today. It's gorgeous out! This also means in New York that the fruit vendors are out in full force. See Below:

It's quite amazing. I always am a sucker for the bananas and the green apples. The red apples are to bitter for me, so I like the nice and sweet green ones. But this isn't a blog about how much I LOVE apples, in fact its my RANT about Green Apples. Here goes.

Green Apple, you are amazing. You taste so delicious. In fact I yern for you all winter (I dont like to buy you when you're not in season-for several reason 1. you taste just so so 2. I believe that we should only have fruit thats in season in the grocery stores this would 3. reduce a huge amount of gasoline used to ship produce cause 4 I can live without you for a season.) So that being said. Why do you rush me to eat you???? I love you and I want to take this slow, but you rush me into eating you. I just dont like that theres a time limit from the time I start biting into you until the time i need to be done. Can't we take this slow? I'd like to enjoy you all morning, not just the 5 min. since the first bite. If I dont eat you quickly you proteste and look like this:

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