Monday, December 10, 2007

The day Al Gore scared the shit out of me.

So I was researching organizations at work, trying desperately to find an organization where you can 'adopt an iceberg' (I know its a bit rediculous, but its a marketing ploy). Thanks to google I got onto links about Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'. Now, I've seen this movie back in Kansas. I distinctly remember it, because I couldn't get anyone to go with me-so I went alone (I also remember it being 2 for tuesdays, we're its 2 for 1. Now going alone I walked in-behind all the couples- and said 1 please- and the women goes you dont have anyone else? I said NO! just me!- this is not an angry way, but can't a person enjoy the movies by themselves? Why must you go to a movie with someone? Especially when all your friends are losers and decide to do something a lot more lame then going to see a movie with your amazing friend matt!). I enjoyed the film, had a few criticisms but overall thought it was important and needs that need to be addressed. However I was just lolly gagging online and decided to watch the trailer again. Now think of a movie that basically tells you the WORLD IS ENDING, cause there's too god damn many of you people on this planet- summorized in about 2min. Needless to say I got scared about the world ending. Not today, but in a few generations and well if I were to have offspring, well adopt offspring, I dont want them to be royally fucked. So....I did a few things. I have a second dumpster under my desk now that has all recyclable materials in it. However my building doesn't recycle and I'm not too sure what the hell I'm going to do with it because it's full now and looks like one day I'm going to just have to look like homeless man who carries all his belongings in a trash bag and take it to my building which does recycle. Also I took a pretty basic carbon footprint test online. It told me "You create, on average, 7.8 tons of carbon pollution a year. You could release about the same amount of carbon pollution by cutting and burning all the trees in a section of the Amazon rainforest the size of 0.936 football fields." This frustrates me, because even though I dont have a car, I still omit all this damn carbon by my flights. So I'm reverting back to the Oregon Trail. Seriously. I've got a small gathering (me) and they're really excited about it. Well actually I've decided that since I do love New York I'm just never going to leave and never fly again. Well except when I go to Sundance in January, Orlando in July, Kansas this december AND next year I'm sure. Damn, ok so that plan wont work-I'll get back to you on what I plan on doing. There are 'offsets' you can do, but I've been informed by Eric that some are sketchy and dont use your money effeciently, so back to the drawing board.

A few more ramblings. I like sushi, in fact I love sushi. It's seriously like the perfect meal for me. Edamame and 2 Alaskan rolls and call it a night. It's amazing. I never have that sick full feeling, or have the urge to run after (like when I eat a cheeseburger, I immediately think: ok I need to work out sometime in the near future now) I am so satsified and its quite healthy. However the evil powers that are known as Erin Mindell inform me that not only will sushi kill me if I eat it everyday, it's also bad for the env. Now my response is pretty much this: I dont want to live forever, certainly not until I'm old and can't do anything on my own anymore. I want to go at a good age, say 60? But I also want it to be cool-Like he died bunge jumping off a cliff South Africa? Something cool. Also about the env: well damn, I dont really have a defense because over fishing is a bad thing-but like I say I'm from kansas eating meat is inevitable. I'm getting the signs that I need to reduce my meat intake, but it'll be a hard process I love me some cow:
My weekend was rather enjoyable, and when I usually say enjoyable it means I danced a lot. Friday I went to this Manican Showroom where we plan to have our holiday party to see the space. Had a glass of champage and schmoozed with the designer of the gowns on the Manicans and the owner of the Showroom. I felt a little rediculous, all I needed was a little dog and a big Hermes Bag and I would of been 'THAT guy.' But I dont want a little dog nor can afford a Hermes keychain let alone bag. Anywho I got an invite there to this rooftop party where there were going to be mermen! I was stoked, mermen with body paint on a rooftop with an open bar? Count me in! However I got there alone-After my two friends had ditched me (but wasn't going to stop me from having a good night)- and the line was long and the party was at max, so it was 1 in 1 out. Ugh I didn't have the connections to skip the line so I left. Plus it had begun to drizzle. So I met up with my coworker George at Star Bar and we danced the night away. Although perhaps I'm too old already but I was NOT a fan of the strobe light, it made me dizzy and all strung out. I did not take ecstasy (nor do I ever) so I feel I can not enjoy this strobe light in its full capacity please turn it off! Sat. was suppose to be a night of learning about Channukah (something I had to force Erin to inform me about what exactly Hannukah is-and the great thing about this is I can spell it so many different ways but I still feel like I still misspell it) with friends, food, and a dradle (which Erin forgot). It was a blast because I got to eat food and be around good people. Not to mention I learned that Mara and Chris got engaged! I love them individually and together and I'm happy about it. Plus Chris knows how to sucker me in, he makes sure he always has Doritos when I come over. Those out there wondering, the way to my heart: food. I'll love you forever, that and if you buy me a drink at the bar. Well Eddie was there and he told me I had no choice but to go out with him (He threatened me, seriously I have witnesses) So a early night in quickly turned to a long night out. We had bottle service galore some really fun people I met- one with gold shoes!- however the DJ was a bit A.D.D. with his ipod, but it didn't stop me from dancing. A friend of ours got really sick and she didn't have her coat or purse so I ran back into the club to get it what I thought was her jacket but to no avail could I find the purse. In the morning I find out that she lost her purse and the jacket wasn't hers, but the funny thing is: it was a better jacket an overall better trade. I told her "Always upgrading ;)" Well I shall end it there with my rambles. Hope you are all well.

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