Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Why I hate Christmas Songs!

This will be a short post, but I just want to express my frustration about something. Every time around this year everyone in the entire U.S. seems to feel the need to force cheerful emotion onto everyone. When I am shopping or having a bite to eat, the last thing I want is for the speakers to blare Christmas songs. YOU, BE CHEERY! I feel this is their actual motive, and perhaps I'm just cheery but dont feel the need to be overt about it. I enjoy Christmas, I really do. I enjoy the food, and the family (the occasional present is nice) but I dont need an entire 25 days leading up to the damn day blared with the same 15 songs. Sure if you were to check my iTunes and see the recently played there is probably only 15 songs that I've played in the last week over and over again, but these were to motivate me for work and to motivate me to work out. Christmas songs do neither, in fact they remind me that I have to spend money. Not that I dont like spending money on people (I know its hard to believe, but I can be selfless) but I like to get gifts for people when I see something perfect for them. Not something that will be in a garage sale by summer. That's wastefull and stupid. So Christmas forces me to think really hard really quickly (because I'm a procrastinator) on great gifts to buy for people. This year unfortunately I live in NYC and it's expensive so they will also be within my budget. haha. But overall Christmas songs stick to your Xmas Radio station and stay out of my stores/restaurants/elevator/cabs/and normal radio stations. If I wanted to know all Mariah Carey wanted for Xmas I shall tune to that station. Thank you and goodnight.

Ps I am having a good day just fyi I feel like this:

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