Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Did I mention I got married?

So I have a lot to blog about. Get ready, buckle up, and shut up. This blog is about love.

Ugh. Yes that's my reaction to love. Actually when people say lovey dovey things my actual reaction is 'vomit' Not literally vomit, but just I'm not looking for love. Here's why: men are stupid. I bet every woman and gay man just said in their head 'yeah they are'. Now this is not because I haven't been in love before. I have, and it was great. But it wasn't lovey dovey love story movie type love. It was better than that. But that ended and I've been single for about a year and a half now. I honesty enjoy being single. I do (hehe, wedding vows get it? ok moving on). Although every year around this time people start looking for relationships. That's because summer is far away and its cold out and you want someone constant in your life instead of your usual one night stand or '3 week fling'. I even fell into the trap this year. I have known this guy since summer yet have never really considered him an option because he has a boyfriend. Yes, I was a good person and didn't sleep with him. He has another man. But recently we have hung out a lot and I could see myself starting to have feelings for him, possibly even date this man. Indeed, I was drunk one night and told him I'd go off the market for him, alas he is still with this other guy. So last night I had to 'break up with him' before I even got to date him. If I hadn't done it soon, it would of been harder. My reaction to love is more comical than anything, but I'm 23 and in New York-I am no in the market for love, but I believe in it. I am not Charlotte from Sex and the City meeting new people and hoping they are 'the one'. I dont believe in 'the one'. I feel like when I'm ready I'll find someone else who is also ready and we'll settle down. Now I'm not saying I'll settle down with anyone either, I could never get 'ready'. That's way in the future and I'm not sure what I'm doing this weekend-like a good 23 year old. Don't think that I dont have goals, I do-like last night I ran 4.5 miles. I mean I ate mexican food and 3 margaritas after, but still I had a goal of running that much and I did it. But back to boys. I guess I just need male attention and when I rid myself of 'bad attention' or guys that aren't good for me, a healthy Matt...Matt is left all alone wondering where are all the men? So I may seem pathetic but I need men to be interested in me so I can brush them off-haha which is a really funny sentence yet truthful statement I guess when it comes down to it. I also dont like guys who are TOO excited about seeing me again, that I run away from-ask Erin she's seen it first hand. So I'm back to my regular self going out with some friends friday night to go dancing and see where the night leads me. I'm single and I'm not upset about it, I enjoy it. It had just been awhile since I had those emotions for another man and to get rejected or told that 'he couldn't break up with his boyfriend for me'(which is something I didnt ask him to do, just informed him that I could no longer hand out with him, because I was starting to fall) it was just a blow to the ego...c'est la vie. xoxo moving on.....
James is gone, he is in Mexico hopefully drinking some tequila. So Jill and I are left to take care of the Monster (that's our pugs name, not a scary creature under my bed). I have to take her out in the morning and she takes her out in the evening. We're like a married couple (this is where the title of the blog comes into play). We cook dinners together, well she does the cooking, I do the dishes, have a glass of wine afterwards and hang out together and discuss our days. Sometimes its venting about boys, work, or general NY things that annoy us OR we talk about going to a Knicks game, how fun last weekend was, watch a show, or discuss something in the news. We really are all like a married couple, we live together amazingly-just none of us sleep together. So imagine a 50s married threesome couple. Then to top it off last night Jill informs me, she made me lunch for tomorrow!!!! I get home and she made me lunch for the next day??? It was amazing. She rocks. Ok my heated up ravioli is getting cold I need to eat it, and get back to work, I'M OUT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I googled Erin's name and came across your blog. Everything always comes back to Erin doesn't it? I wasn't going to leave a comment as you haven't seen fit to update your blog in awhile but my better nature got ahold of me and as I liked what I read I thought I would go ahead and leave a trail for you anyway.

I would tell you I loved the sensitivity shown in your storytelling but that would be soooooooooo stereotypical, so I will just tell you that you need to keep your blog up-to-date or I will stop reading it!


Erin's Mom