Saturday, January 5, 2008

Events unfold.

I'm in on a saturday night! Call the Times, Post, Some sleezy celebrity magazine! Tragic 23 year old in on a Saturday! I know what you're thinking, what could possibly of happened to Matt to make him stay in on a Saturday? Well obviously I'm going to tell you, I'm writing the damn blog about it. James' birthday was last night. We went to his favorite restaurant and bought him dinner, cute evening. Then we went to a cute bar for some great music. I found out it was free vodka before 11, it was 10:43, guess how many I downed? 3. Those drinks are expensive at that bar, so I took advantage. Then Don, James' random rich friend came and 'took care' of all of us, more free drinks! This could only spell disaster. You're right it did. I then ran into Sean, those of you who dont know who he is he looks like this:

He was my old boss this summer. He's a lot of fun and is a great guy. We are friends now, but no longer work together. sad. So when I see him it means we're getting drunk, very very very drunk-unfortunately. This man forces booze down me (force is a strong word, like I say no) like no one else can. I tell my roommates I need to go home, I'm too drunk to be in public, on my way out Sean grabs me and throws me into a cab and says we're going to another bar. Let it be known I TRIED to be good. I found out were going to this shady bar, but always a good time randomly. I go to pay for a few drinks then with both hands with drinks I go back to Sean, but then I feel something is wrong.....and something looks like this:
In case you can't get it. I'm the guy with the top hat (this is an actual picture take from last night, I wore a top hat!) GETTING ROBBED! The theif was swift. I also now know what you're thinking. Matt was drunk and lost his wallet. NO, I WAS ROBBED! I've had that thing forever. All my cards, metrocard, gift cards, licenses, UN id (that still got me into places free), my old student id (which I use to get 2 bucks off my movie), and my list of places I want to visit before I die. I only had 24 bucks in there, did they not get that I wasn't rich? I would of given them my money, just let me keep the wallet! Bastards! This is Karma, I knew I shouldn't of clubbed those baby seals earlier in the evening. Now I can't access money cause I woke up and it the banks were already closed, closed tomorrow so I have 5 bucks (thanks to sean who gave me cab ride money) to last until Monday. I dont want to be that person in those visa commercials who whips out his checkbook and makes everyone fall and run into each other and dropping all the things they are juggling. Yes if you've never been to New York we're required to juggle everything. This also means I can't go to the bars, can you imagine going up to the bar grabbing a drink then whipping out my checkbook. I laugh thinking about it, but that's because I would never do that, I'd feel like an idiot. Meh, wallets get stolen off to rent a movie, hm with my now stolen blockbuster card-this will be an issue. Note to self: if you club a baby seal you WILL get your wallet stolen.

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