Friday, January 4, 2008

An interpretive Animalistic Journal Entry

So I was thinking about the differences between Summer and Winter on my walk to work. I hear it's suppose to get warm again this weekend so me hating the world has already decreased. However I just wanted to explain something I've noticed about myself. In Spring I'm flaunting. I dont have big muscles, but I'm tall to be honest when a cute guy walks by I stand with perfect posture and stick whatever chest I have out to 'woo' the walking by fellow. It looks something like this:
However when it's winter out I can not do this. I am bundled up and frozen and just focused on not killing anyone who gets in my way from keeping me from warmth. I have a scarf to cover the neck, but that still doesn't help when a cute guy walks by, I think to myself 'I DONT CARE, STOP STARING AT ME, I'M FROZEN AND MY NOSE IS RUNNING!!!' So I'm a huddle mess and my confidence in witner time takes a hit, because I look something like this:

Thank you and goodnight.

1 comment:

Erin Elan said...

you know, i knew a peacock once. it was really obnoxious, making noises at three AM, perching on the roof, blocking my way when i was trying to, that is like you....